Took some slates off today absolutely roasting though omg :D:D
I know. Feeling guilty for posting. I must come across as a right moaning old buggre :(
The good news is that the good BIL has agreed to work on this project with me and we will see the old girl right between us.

Don't feel guilty at all mate, we all do it from time to time.
Just like if we could we'd go down the pub and have a good moan to our mates!
So glad the decent BIL is gonna help you!:):):)
Good outcome!:):):)
We now have the Disco packed 2 whole days before we are due to go.:)
And yes, Wifey was right, we did get it all in, despite her forgetting her fold up wheelchair.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
So I am now on tother laptop and can't pick up my latest emails. Godzilla email, go figure.
altho have to say it works fine for me normally. something to do with "pop" something or other!
Bin really hot here today, could have done without it. Sweat running into my eyes always plays havoc with my vision later on.:(:( Does anyone else only really sweat heavily from their head? :rolleyes::mad:
Off for Covid tests tomoz on which the whole trip depends. :eek::eek::eek:

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