What's the effect when this happens? Do they stop driving or do they produce errors on the dash or side effects that scare owners into stopping?
You know how steering goes heavy when the old-style belt or pump fails? This is worse. Not only does it go heavy, but it actively fights back. The system tries to default to straight-ahead so as you try to pull over it keeps crabbing. Scary in a fast-moving situation, frustrating any where else.
Talking of tin snails, how's @derwendolly doing ?

The tin tent is firmly back in its resting place in my garden and now all I have to do is empty it and clean it - it suffered from travelling through the snow which has left a sand-like deposit all over it and the car. I had hoped the rain would come to my rescue but ……. we haven't had any. :rolleyes:

I found the trip with a new van quite exhausting so had a rest day yesterday after depositing the dogs at the groomers. I don't think I was prepared for just how much 'work' has to be done when it is only one person doing it. :( I collected the canines at 5'ish and they then fell fast asleep for the rest of the evening, barely able to stay awake long enough to eat their dinner. They look much slimmer now that the last of their thick winter coats has been stripped out.:)

Now I have to sort out the teething problems. :rolleyes: The motor-mover on the rear axle has gone on strike which means the front one cannot take all the strain when I try to move up the incline on my drive and I have been unable to work out why I cannot get water to the loo! I have had to resort to the bucket method of flushing 'cos sites are not allowed to open up the facilities.

Having said all this, I did have a lovely time and it was nice to see people again! :):):)
Morning All :D
I think today might be a good one here, because we have an early morning mist :)
I am not intending on working on other people's properties today. Just having a rest and doing normal stuff here.
Having said that, my son (who I am bankrolling until his bonus gets paid (28th)) may ask me to go buy the materials he needs.
This is because I am in fact just a walking wallet and cash dispenser. :oops:
You all have a great day today. :)
Well, 'allowed' is probably stretching it but I am not sitting around any longer ;)
The machinery thing is ok after 24 hours so good to play in the workshop!
Yeah all is well now cheers. How is the traffic these days? I bet it's manic out there now :(
I now have to remember when in town areas there is the school run in morning & afternoon :oops:

M25 was quiet. Waiting to get loaded in Bristol then off towards kings Lynn for tonight.
Morning All :D
I think today might be a good one here, because we have an early morning mist :)
I am not intending on working on other people's properties today. Just having a rest and doing normal stuff here.
Having said that, my son (who I am bankrolling until his bonus gets paid (28th)) may ask me to go buy the materials he needs.
This is because I am in fact just a walking wallet and cash dispenser. :oops:
You all have a great day today. :)
In a minute i am going to be clearing out the Disco then going to pick up 40 bags of topsoil, i.e. 1 cubic metre. The silly beggars can't deliver as we have a gravel drive and they reckon their pallet lift/trolley thing can't make if over gravel.:rolleyes:
And no although it is an 18 tonner it has no crane.
So hey ho off we go!
I daresay i might ache a little after this but then in 25 litre bags it aint too bad. Now 50 kg bags of cement is another matter!
Not shifted those in a while!
I relented on my "stay at home, don't get involved" stance this morning when I saw the state Tom was in. Walking like a crab and clearly in great discomfort.
So, today between the 3 of us we have Filled a 4 yard skip with debris and we now have 700+ Brick pavers (that no-one wants) stacked up.
The big pile of wood you can see in the first picture is at one side of a 15' x 8' x 6' ex Koi-Pond that has over the years been filled with rubble.
The side walls above ground are 2' high. It all has to get levelled and skip'd away :(
A mini digger is being arranged for tomorrow.
I came home because there is only so much an old-boy can do.


Under these tiles was a 4" slab of good quality concrete which had to be broken up and barrowed round to the skip at the front.
Well popped out to Bournemouth/Poole Wickes filled two big trollies with 40 bags of topsoil, Wifey did very well chucking bags on her trolley. One of the Wickes guys helped her pull it through the checkout and to the Disco where we loaded all 40 bags, no sweat. 1000 litres of topsoil at 10p a litre, Bank holiday deal apparently.
So Wifey is happy.
Then went to Ringwood to pick up a bit of joooolry that W won in an auction.
Felt we deserved a pint, as the weather was so lovely. but could we find a pub open?
Only on the wrong side of the dual carriageway.
So we went home and are still enjoying Kirs. On the decking for the first time this year, except for when we wrap up warm and have No 1 daughter there for a cup of tea!
Good day so far.
Enjoy yours peeps!
Well popped out to Bournemouth/Poole Wickes filled two big trollies with 40 bags of topsoil, Wifey did very well chucking bags on her trolley. One of the Wickes guys helped her pull it through the checkout and to the Disco where we loaded all 40 bags, no sweat. 1000 litres of topsoil at 10p a litre, Bank holiday deal apparently.
So Wifey is happy.
Then went to Ringwood to pick up a bit of joooolry that W won in an auction.
Felt we deserved a pint, as the weather was so lovely. but could we find a pub open?
Only on the wrong side of the dual carriageway.
So we went home and are still enjoying Kirs. On the decking for the first time this year, except for when we wrap up warm and have No 1 daughter there for a cup of tea!
Good day so far.
Enjoy yours peeps!
I hope they are Kir-Royale's (is there any other kind?) ;)
Afternoon folks:)

well its been a couple of not so nice days so not much work done outside:( and with not much enthusiasm to start any inside jobs at the moment to only get started then to have to go back and finish outside;).

Hopefully will pick up my new driving license tomorrow, will see how that goes as have a fine to pay for losing it but haven't found out where to pay yet, hope to be able to do it in the same place;). I am technically not supposed to drive without it ;) its ok in the villages but M is getting rather fed up with me asking her to wear a hat and me jumping in the back:D.

@DanClarke i cant believe you cant get rid of those paving blocks free ads? I also used to get skips at cost if they were only soil OR hardcore;).

I hope they are Kir-Royale's (is there any other kind?) ;)
No, "Kir normal" made with a white Minervois and Creme de Pamplemousse Rose not normal really at all!
Pink Grapefruit being not to everyone's taste.
Stupidly we didn't bring any of our home made Creme de Cassis back with us, so it is on the shopping list for delivery on Friday.
Not fond of mixing champagne with anything, but if you have some fizzy stuff like Prosecco, Cava or whatever then why not stick some Creme de Cassis in it, can't make it any worse!
(Aksherlly being a bit rude to Cava there, some of which I quite like, similarly sparkling Loire wines, like Vouvray are underrated!)
Anyway, each to their own, drink what you like! some peeps even like Guinness I understand. :rolleyes::eek:
Bottoms up, Shriners!:):):)
I ran into the physical reality of why I gave up work so instead of wasting the day, I did a bit more to the press tooling I am making. Once the Mrs got home she helped me fit the carpet I was struggling with and all is now serene :)
Press Tool:
View attachment 236353
Oh dear, that don't sound too good.
Glad you were able to do something.
Crossed fingers for you for whatever the problem is.:):):)

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