Dog insurance?:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
You actually pay that cr@p?:eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
Can't believe it!
We have three dogs, we always have at least three, we have never in 31 years paid pet insurance.
Once in a blue moon one needs summat expensive at the vets, we just pay it.
We looked into the small print when we were breeding and found that there was so much it wouldn't cover. the Adrian Flux of the animal world.
Imagine 3 dogs at £20 each per mumff. £720 a year!!!!
No chance!;)

You may think its cr@p, a year ago our other dog had a fit then went down hill rapid..took him to
the vet for a check up straight away, 100 quid bill..sent us to the vet hospital team of 6 took him
in, 4 days 1000 quid a day, mri scan 1500 quid plus other treatment came to over 1200 quid
feck me they do know how to charge. Just as well we paid the 20 quid a month as they covered 90%
of the bill. It also covers lift time illness. Thats under 70p a day for mans best friend.
Im my eyes its worth it. :)
There be some peeps on this ere fred breakin the rules by not lickin every post on this ere fred. Rules is rules.
You may think its cr@p, a year ago our other dog had a fit then went down hill rapid..took him to
the vet for a check up straight away, 100 quid bill..sent us to the vet hospital team of 6 took him
in, 4 days 1000 quid a day, mri scan 1500 quid plus other treatment came to over 1200 quid
feck me they do know how to charge. Just as well we paid the 20 quid a month as they covered 90%
of the bill. It also covers lift time illness. Thats under 70p a day for mans best friend.
Im my eyes its worth it. :)
Who do you insure your dogs with? Our last dog insurance was £45 per month and we never claimed anything. Our new rescue boarder collie is 9 years old and they won't insurer her cos she is too old.


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