Evening all pizzy rain all day :( went out to get a bit of shopping....Then walked the dog
along the loch side. Ive spotted an oak tree that's came down whilst driving home, its been
left as a nice big log, so going to go back an have a proper look might be time to get the mill
out for some planks from it. :D:D
I do hope they can get her sorted out and safe from any harm or ill-effects.
When you have a heart-attack nowadays the paramedics often whack a "clotbuster" drug straight in at the get go. Not the same for your poor step-dottir?
She was on the clot-busters from the beginning then eventually she was scanned heart and lungs, cos that was where they thought it was due to other symptoms, But they couldn't find anything! She is seeing the doc again tomorrow. No one knows where the clot is, my money is on a leg or maybe both.
All seems mad to me, but then what do I know?
All the time no news is good news.:rolleyes::(
But thanks for the positive thoughts.;):)

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