That was a dentist appointment I'll not forget.
The tooth came out ok but apparently the dentist has not seen so much infection puss come out of a single tooth socket before.
By the time i got back home I was beginning to show symptoms of sepsis.:eek:

Anyway after dosing up on antibiotics i am much betterer now. Sat in bed trying to stay warm.
That was a dentist appointment I'll not forget.
The tooth came out ok but apparently the dentist has not seen so much infection puss come out of a single tooth socket before.
By the time i got back home I was beginning to show symptoms of sepsis.:eek:

Anyway after dosing up on antibiotics i am much betterer now. Sat in bed trying to stay warm.
Sorry to hear that, take care and stay safe my friend!
I think you done quite well although your blue top doesnt match yer lippy..
That's not me. I dun't own a j**p.
That was a dentist appointment I'll not forget.
The tooth came out ok but apparently the dentist has not seen so much infection puss come out of a single tooth socket before.
By the time i got back home I was beginning to show symptoms of sepsis.:eek:

Anyway after dosing up on antibiotics i am much betterer now. Sat in bed trying to stay warm.

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