It's not raining and a watery sun is thinking about it.
Wee one's bin out and come back - what does he know that I don't. o_O Big fellow has got 'is 'Do Not Disturb' notice on display and I'm in bed wi me cuppa. :)
Thinking of all you hard done by workers on this Monday mornin' :) and hope that everyone in our Retired Club 'as just turned over and gone back to sleep.:D
Me hair was gerrin long and annoying. Been avvin forts this week of havin a go meself. Found me cutter fing has a 1 inch guard. Balanced a mirror int baff and had a go. Tis easy once yer get going. Neck was tricky as yer move the wrong way ter start wiv and hafter work oat which way ter go. Bit like shep sheering. Impressed meself wivvit. Eye feel like a new hippo.

I think you done quite well although your blue top doesnt match yer lippy..
Guid morn

Dropped daughter off at High school, 08-50 to 11:30 Monday and Tuesday only.......really !

Another week of furlough becons, need a Project keep me sane
As it looks like this week is going to be dry n sunny, a balmy 14 degrees forecast for ra morra, I'll perhaps do some gardening (yes I really am that bored)

Enjoy your day all

Morning all, no plan made for today ive got a couple of things to do first up is the washing machine is
leaking, Then back down to the unit for the final clean up. If it stays dry I could weld on my gate &
paint the other ones.

I'll just float about or 1/2 n hoor & have a cuppa. :)
Have a nice day ya'll @Shimsteriom hope your toof is sorted today.
Whats the going rate from the toof fairy these days.

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