Could someone turn off the wind please...
Plus point it’s stoped raining
I agree. I have given up trying to sleep, got up and made a cuppa. The wee one is very frightened so having the light on and the radio too, seems to make him more able to cope. Interestingly, he has not wanted to go out!
According to the met off ice, the wind is due to start abating around now.
I agree. I have given up trying to sleep, got up and made a cuppa. The wee one is very frightened so having the light on and the radio too, seems to make him more able to cope. Interestingly, he has not wanted to go out!
According to the met off ice, the wind is due to start abating around now.

Tis bating like a bugger around here ...

Even my little cat won't go out ...
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Better day.
Spoke to dottir this mornin.
'Sorry Pa, I thort it were tomorra', then she she sang me happy birthday downa fone.
Prolly a white lie to keep Pa happy, but it'll do.

Nice email in me in tray this morning fromma boss. Summink along the lines of
'fonk mate, don't go on leave again!' Which was nice..
Week oft in a fortnite :D

An I spose I better own up. I washed the Tratter proper on Monday.
This $hitty weather is prolly a result of that, the Tratter Gods is punishin me.

Bad Turks :p

It'll be pebbledashed to bits with twigs and grit t'day ...and least the wind isn't cold ...
Almost calm 'ere now. :) Normal service has been resumed as if nothing disturbed our night's sleep. As for the big 'un, he hasn't lost a minute of his precious beauty sleep and he is still snoring away.:rolleyes: Me? I feel like a wet rag. :(
I hope you all slept soundly through it all and are feeing fresh and enthusiastic about another new day.:)
I agree. I have given up trying to sleep, got up and made a cuppa. The wee one is very frightened so having the light on and the radio too, seems to make him more able to cope. Interestingly, he has not wanted to go out!
According to the met off ice, the wind is due to start abating around now.
No still bad & the bridge is closed. I can’t even get loaded as the too windy.
Off to get some mantaince done instead
Anyways, got up latish as Wifey was supplying wind all night as well as the weather, poor thing. She took the first dose of the dreaded stuff last night 7p.m and the dreaded exam isn't until tomoz 9.30 a.m. so she still has a lot to go through, or, to put it another way, a lot to go through her!;)
I've done it and it isn't fun. :(:(
So thort I'd go into renewing my insurance on the Disco. Have to go with SAGA as they are the only company giving year round foreign cover.
Was pleasantly surprised to find it is only £3 more expensive than last year!
However, with the demise of ADAC for Brits, we now need foreign breakdown recovery. SAGA want £124! EEK!
So I did the Comparison site thing for a 3 month trip. none of the barstewards would even quote!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Moral of the story, don't try and drive an old car on the Continong unless you take your own breakdown truck with you!
FFS, I used to be able to get it for kit cars!!!!
So i'll take a deep breath then break it to Wifey!:(:(:(
(Better take her a cup of tea at the same time.;););))

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