Remember it well. Was living in a house in Kent close to the bottom of a valley, I slept through it. Set off for work as normal and got pulled up by a policeman at the end of the street, asked where I was going. To work, in london says I. No you're not says he, can't get out of the village until the trees are cleared from the roads. It took a week to get out of the village. Lots of people nearby lost the roofs off their houses, I lost a couple of fence panels.
I was in France with a group of sixth-formers, on an exchange. It was bad there in Cherbourg. we had to walk in the middle of the road cos tiles were flying off the roofs of the buildings 5 floors high.
At the school we were struggling across the yard when I saw a French girl being blown along and nearly over. I caught her and propped her up against a tree, till she calmed down. She was nothing to do with our group. We came back at the end of the day and the tree I propped her up against had blown over!
All the traffic lights had stopped working so all the Frogs went back to "Priorité a droite" FFS.
Tell me Kev, what were your symptoms like and where did you get em?
I think I only know one other person who's had one and she wasn't much help.
I think the pain is either cramp from compressed nerves as i'm not moving around much at all, or exactly what you said walking funny(ier than usual) due to the foot thing.
It's not getting any worse, which is summat.

I didnt get any pain or swelling in my legs, although the docs thought my calfs were swollen I
said nope they just massive lol
I started to feel out of breath tying my shoes or getting a scuttle of coal ect but I had a
cough an was bringing up clear mucus & dizzy also chest pain coming an going plus a sharp
stabbing in my right shoulder blade. Then I couldnt get a breath gasping for air then passing
out no blood pressure to it going off the scale no pulse either, me an the misses tried when the
doc was on the phone.
My symptoms got worse over a couple of months but thought it I would just soldier on an it
would go away. I got it so wrong..
So, damn cold on the run home, but a pleasure in me Tratter all the same.
Snowing all day but only the bitty stuff that's a bit crap .
(I expect it's been privatized::rolleyes:)
Wishin for snow like a kid at Christmas :)
Expectin to be let down like before :oops: (I'm alright.. Ok? ... Jus gimme a minute :p)

Seeya tomorrow
I didnt get any pain or swelling in my legs, although the docs thought my calfs were swollen I
said nope they just massive lol
I started to feel out of breath tying my shoes or getting a scuttle of coal ect but I had a
cough an was bringing up clear mucus & dizzy also chest pain coming an going plus a sharp
stabbing in my right shoulder blade. Then I couldnt get a breath gasping for air then passing
out no blood pressure to it going off the scale no pulse either, me an the misses tried when the
doc was on the phone.
My symptoms got worse over a couple of months but thought it I would just soldier on an it
would go away. I got it so wrong..
Thanks for that.;):(
Much worse and more obvious than mine. If had had that lot, I'd have gone to A &E with a sleeping bag and a tent!;):D
Did they tell you where it all started/what caused it?
Do you smoke?
I don't not for years and i eat a very low fat diet. but unlike you I do very little physical work.:rolleyes:
But I bet your missus was washing your pants for ages!:D
Sounds like you had a very close call. Shook hands with St Peter and all that.:eek:
He must have said to you, "Come back when you've got more toot to flog off in here!";)

Anyway, glad you made it through and are here to keep us all amused and show us pics of what you get up to and where you live!:):):)
Eye has got a hall down stairs int me cassle with a staircase going up to upstairs. Its got me finking about the heat. Its always going up stairs. So eye is finking of putting up a big floor to sealing curtain to keep the heat down stairs so me heating dun't keep switching ont so often. What does yer fink?
That's what they used to do in the old days so will fit right in with your castle!
Thanks for that.;):(
Much worse and more obvious than mine. If had had that lot, I'd have gone to A &E with a sleeping bag and a tent!;):D
Did they tell you where it all started/what caused it?
Do you smoke?
I don't not for years and i eat a very low fat diet. but unlike you I do very little physical work.:rolleyes:
But I bet your missus was washing your pants for ages!:D
Sounds like you had a very close call. Shook hands with St Peter and all that.:eek:
He must have said to you, "Come back when you've got more toot to flog off in here!";)

Anyway, glad you made it through and are here to keep us all amused and show us pics of what you get up to and where you live!:):):)

They have no idea what caused it plus I dont smoke, I remember the doctor on the phone to the
hospital as it was on loud speaker...saying he's been with this surgery for 20 years but ive
never met him lol
It was a very very close call they gave me a jag in the stomach to break up the clots in my lungs
after a ct scan ect I should have known it was serious when I got a crash team escort. The drugs
didnt work an I got worse after a couple hours then I could hardly get a breath an gasping for air.
I remember another doctor asking my permission to give me this other type of drugs but it usually
makes you bleed into your guts ffs thats ok he said we can deal with that the other issue is that it
makes you bleed into your brain an there's well really nothing we can do :eek: fk me I said no thanks
but before long they just gave me them, I remember the staff running about an throwing all the meds from the cabinets & saying I know they're here there's 4 of them..then they had 4 bottles of somit in
front of me put into a line one by one an after an hour I came back to earth.
That was a very long hour, I could see a clock although it was obscured by a pillar or partition ??
when I looked up my misses & mum n dad were standing about 5 feet from my bed....
I got a shock an thought I did remember them asking who my next of kin was.

I did try an find out the name of the drugs they gave me but no joy.
They have no idea what caused it plus I dont smoke, I remember the doctor on the phone to the
hospital as it was on loud speaker...saying he's been with this surgery for 20 years but ive
never met him lol
It was a very very close call they gave me a jag in the stomach to break up the clots in my lungs
after a ct scan ect I should have known it was serious when I got a crash team escort. The drugs
didnt work an I got worse after a couple hours then I could hardly get a breath an gasping for air.
I remember another doctor asking my permission to give me this other type of drugs but it usually
makes you bleed into your guts ffs thats ok he said we can deal with that the other issue is that it
makes you bleed into your brain an there's well really nothing we can do :eek: fk me I said no thanks
but before long they just gave me them, I remember the staff running about an throwing all the meds from the cabinets & saying I know they're here there's 4 of them..then they had 4 bottles of somit in
front of me put into a line one by one an after an hour I came back to earth.
That was a very long hour, I could see a clock although it was obscured by a pillar or partition ??
when I looked up my misses & mum n dad were standing about 5 feet from my bed....
I got a shock an thought I did remember them asking who my next of kin was.

I did try an find out the name of the drugs they gave me but no joy.
I remember you posting about some of this but not in such detail. It really was touch and go there by the sound of it. Can't imagine how you felt. Wonder if you prayed! Think I might have! and I am a total atheist.:eek:
Are you on Warfarin or some other blood thinner?
anyway, glad you are still with us!:):):)
I remember you posting about some of this but not in such detail. It really was touch and go there by the sound of it. Can't imagine how you felt. Wonder if you prayed! Think I might have! and I am a total atheist.:eek:
Are you on Warfarin or some other blood thinner?
anyway, glad you are still with us!:):):)

Ta matey glad to still be here, :):) I remember thinking about my motors an thought im not letting
anyone get them :D:D I need to take apixaban for the rest of my life as they couldnt find a cause.
I didnt pray was more trying to calm my breathing and watching what all the doctors an nurses were
doing an saying about me lol quite a team of them too, I did have tears in my eyes when I spoke to the
nurse when I was leaving. Quite a shock to the system.
I msu go elsewhere on the net now as i have been given a code to book an appointment for an NHS podiatrist.
So the burd I'm seeing Weds will possibly not be seeing me or my foot again!
nope, used the online NHS booking service, only 1 clinic I can contact, they have appointments!
so now didn't get far.
"don't call us, we'll call you":(:(:(

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