some pics
friend wants to replace a 25foot*12foot wood frame garage/outbuilding with brick
been quoted £40k :eek:
existing gutter go to a soakaway... ooooh can't have that.. existing wiring.. ooohhh can't have that.. ooooff existing footings are 1m deep... can't have that
it wouldnt cost that much to build a bungalow!!
friend wants to replace a 25foot*12foot wood frame garage/outbuilding with brick
been quoted £40k :eek:
existing gutter go to a soakaway... ooooh can't have that.. existing wiring.. ooohhh can't have that.. ooooff existing footings are 1m deep... can't have that
it wouldnt cost that much to build a bungalow!!
Its a garage for goodness sake, not a habitable building. Ruddy Jobsworth's in the building control. :(
everyone shes spoken to has come back similar :( basically if you want brick, i'm doing all this work. if you want a shed then F off to b&q
Is that because She's a "She"? Are they taking the mickey? My Son has just had a Brickie in to remove a garage up and over door and block it up with Brick outside/Block inside (properly toothed in) after checking slab depth under and put a window in there as a quick cash job, no issues. Wanted the work and it was easy money I guess.
Is that because She's a "She"? Are they taking the mickey? My Son has just had a Brickie in to remove a garage up and over door and block it up with Brick outside/Block inside (properly toothed in) after checking slab depth under and put a window in there as a quick cash job, no issues. Wanted the work and it was easy money I guess.
it could be, i think a 'rural cheshire postcode' doesn't help - you must be loaded, with a blank cheque book
it could be, i think a 'rural cheshire postcode' doesn't help - you must be loaded, with a blank cheque book
She needs a gang of "Easties" then to come and do it to a planned specification. My Sister has used a chap for years to do all her building work, he's as honest as they come and no B.S. He works hard and for long hours at decent rates.
He was based in London and when they moved to Sandhurst in Berkshire he still came out to do work for them there. Good jobbing builders/tradesmen are a bit like reliable cleaners, once you have such a "little treasure" you keep them. ;)
She needs a gang of "Easties" then to come and do it to a planned specification. My Sister has used a chap for years to do all her building work, he's as honest as they come and no B.S. He works hard and for long hours at decent rates.
He was based in London and when they moved to Sandhurst in Berkshire he still came out to do work for them there. Good jobbing builders/tradesmen are a bit like reliable cleaners, once you have such a "little treasure" you keep them. ;)
i'm no brickie but i'm sure you could block up round the existing wood frame on the existing yet meagre brick base for very little. pretty sure the house doesn't have what you'd call 'footings', built late 1890s, not fallen down yet
i'm no brickie but i'm sure you could block up round the existing wood frame on the existing yet meagre brick base for very little. pretty sure the house doesn't have what you'd call 'footings', built late 1890s, not fallen down yet
My 1902 house in Stroud in Glos. Was of engineering bricks and fancy terracotta facings and mouldings. Built on limestone blocks just laid on the dirt. Still standing today.
friend wants to replace a 25foot*12foot wood frame garage/outbuilding with brick
been quoted £40k :eek:
existing gutter go to a soakaway... ooooh can't have that.. existing wiring.. ooohhh can't have that.. ooooff existing footings are 1m deep... can't have that
it wouldnt cost that much to build a bungalow!!
Don't tell me this!:eek::eek::eek:
We want similar in Frogland. If it costs that there that would eat up all the money I have then I wouldn't have any left for the toys I want to put in and play with!:(:(
Last thing we put up was a metal shed 13' x 10', it cost 1000€ for a mate to put the slab down and Wifey and I assembled the galvanised, polymer covered metal building ourselves. It would cost £530 today.
They never even visited the site, we just filled in the forms providing photos and diagrams.
So if I was her I'd try and sub various bits out to individual trades and become my own site manager. It would help if she had some friends who were trades.;)
She needs a gang of "Easties" then to come and do it to a planned specification. My Sister has used a chap for years to do all her building work, he's as honest as they come and no B.S. He works hard and for long hours at decent rates.
He was based in London and when they moved to Sandhurst in Berkshire he still came out to do work for them there. Good jobbing builders/tradesmen are a bit like reliable cleaners, once you have such a "little treasure" you keep them. ;)
Like this!
but don't ever say the words "little man" or "little treasure" in their earshot.
If my mate the builder hears this, he puts the price up.
Mind you he's not too much over 5 foot!:rolleyes:;):)

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