very exciting if so! they might eat the odd grouse so they get hammered
One thing's certain, they won't be feeding on grouse up there!:) I'm sure there will be plenty of other delicacies for 'im and 'is mates.:D:D:D
I just cannot see that it is any other bird - I know and live amongst these big birds but this one just 'looked' very different, even with the glimpse I had - if only I could zoom in to the video:D as there is a good shot of it standing on the hedge before it took flight ie. before I was aware of it.
@derwendolly a buzzard normally sits still or glides off,they don’t go up like that thing did.
Same movements for red kits both don’t expend much energy. Too big for kestrel,sparrow hawk & merlin
You will have to go back again to have another look.

Yes, this did go up in an almost twisting and turning way - certainly different from all our normal ones - hence arousing my interest.

If I thought it was going to be there again, I would certainly go back!:D
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No snow here, yet again!:(:(:(
But bloody cold.
Wifey fell out of bed last night and banged her head/ear on her substantial chest of drawers/bedside table. Ricked her neck an all.:(:(:(
Cos, with having to have her jab on her right hand side, which she normally sleeps on, she had to sleep tother way round. So I says to her "Swap sides otherwise my snoring will be even more of a pain." But no, Madam says, no!
So in the middle of the night she finds her legs are cold, and she has cramp (regular occurrence due to back problem) and, all disorientated, instead of waking me, her carer, manages to fall out.
She WILL sleep right on the edge of our big king sized bed, Lord knows why.
So now she is lying in State, doesn't want breakfast, and I will have to help her "make" a neck-brace as she doesn't want to go to orspicel to see if she has cracked a vertebra, nor for me to get her a neck-brace.
Last time she fell she refused to go to orspicle and it was eventually discovered she had broken a bit off her humerus.

And my left calf muscle continues to give my gyp.:mad::mad::mad::mad:
Fed up of it.
Just hoping it ain't a DVT caused by summat to do with the hole in my foot, which contrariwise, is less and less painful.:rolleyes:
But I can't stand for long due to the leg.:(
Seeing podiatrist on Weds, see what she says.:rolleyes:
(If it was a DVT, i'd prolly have had an art attack or a stroke by now, what?);)
Have a nice day all!:):):)

Fk me I hope its not DVT thats what nearly done me in last year. !!!
Pain in your calf could be the way your walking cause youve got a foot like Jesus..
(without the skewer) o_O
Fk me I hope its not DVT thats what nearly done me in last year. !!!
Pain in your calf could be the way your walking cause youve got a foot like Jesus..
(without the skewer) o_O
Tell me Kev, what were your symptoms like and where did you get em?
I think I only know one other person who's had one and she wasn't much help.
I think the pain is either cramp from compressed nerves as i'm not moving around much at all, or exactly what you said walking funny(ier than usual) due to the foot thing.
It's not getting any worse, which is summat.
"We certainly won't be getting a hurricane" or words to that effect, if I remember correctly.
And then we did, swathes of woodland knocked over like ninepins! etc etc!
Remember it well. Was living in a house in Kent close to the bottom of a valley, I slept through it. Set off for work as normal and got pulled up by a policeman at the end of the street, asked where I was going. To work, in london says I. No you're not says he, can't get out of the village until the trees are cleared from the roads. It took a week to get out of the village. Lots of people nearby lost the roofs off their houses, I lost a couple of fence panels.

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