Re cycle effort

Fuel filler cover from aluminium, sprayed black with neoprene and clips bonded to back side
Side windows looked a bit naff at overlap due to tint starting to come away.
so cannibilized an old CD player that had died and used plastic side trim

Just shows u what absolute boredom does............

Drilled the oles int me garage floor. Lined it all up and they is int the right place. Only problem is the metal hoops that hold the drop bolt int place, allow the drop bolt to move back un forth away from the door. Circled below. Straight line is the movement direction. The result is me doors move back un forth with the drop bolt. The drop bolt is held int place by two hoops. One top one bottom. Both hoops doing the same fing. Any idea's on what to do to stop this?

I was finking of wrapping some thin metal wire round the hoop at the bit where the hoop is furthest from the door, to limit where the drop bolt can move.


IMG_20210124_173622 NuCN07L


IMG_20210124_173625 ltNp3Nk

Remove drop bolts and place on firm surface. Then select your finest ‘small adjustment maker’ do the deed and refit. Jobs a goodun, jobs jobbed etc
Re cycle effort

Fuel filler cover from aluminium, sprayed black with neoprene and clips bonded to back side
Side windows looked a bit naff at overlap due to tint starting to come away.
so cannibilized an old CD player that had died and used plastic side trim

Just shows u what absolute boredom does............

View attachment 229065 View attachment 229066
Too shiny for a defender. As a sentry once said to me as I was going onto a military base, "thats too clean, take it through a muddy field before you bring it on 'ere".

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