Last thought for the day.
for all those who think we are all going to be driving around in electric powered car with batteries on board, for decades to come.

Have a read of the February issue of Land Rover Monthly.
specifically page 25.
More tomoz if you like.
Sleep well!:):):)

you are well ahead of us here in the east it’s still only January:)

But agree, I am off to join M the bed should be warm now:D.

Many years ago on ere peeps started purrin up pic's of the snow persons they built. Fings got competitive un fork lifts un telly handlers was used. Norrany more. Peeps is more interested int arguing over the valrus and br*xit. Me an edgar is going ter start the competition oft morra wiv our snow artistree. Nite.
So I bought the local B&Qs last 2 packs of spruce cladding and now it’s clearly out of stock. Nearest store with stock 25 miles away. Had a live chat to be told it’s 1-2 week lead time, to which I said I’d been tracking the stock and it was declining not increasing. Can you transfer stock, no. Parently it’s seasonal and will pick up in about integrated logistics, twunts. I have spent thousands in that store this year :D:D:D

Still it’s a first world issue
So I bought the local B&Qs last 2 packs of spruce cladding and now it’s clearly out of stock. Nearest store with stock 25 miles away. Had a live chat to be told it’s 1-2 week lead time, to which I said I’d been tracking the stock and it was declining not increasing. Can you transfer stock, no. Parently it’s seasonal and will pick up in about integrated logistics, twunts. I have spent thousands in that store this year :D:D:D

Still it’s a first world issue
An essential journey to get some, plus there are very few policing things in Lincs :)

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