Drilled the oles int me garage floor. Lined it all up and they is int the right place. Only problem is the metal hoops that hold the drop bolt int place, allow the drop bolt to move back un forth away from the door. Circled below. Straight line is the movement direction. The result is me doors move back un forth with the drop bolt. The drop bolt is held int place by two hoops. One top one bottom. Both hoops doing the same fing. Any idea's on what to do to stop this?

I was finking of wrapping some thin metal wire round the hoop at the bit where the hoop is furthest from the door, to limit where the drop bolt can move.


IMG_20210124_173622 NuCN07L


IMG_20210124_173625 ltNp3Nk
What diameter is yer bolt?
Slide up some copper tube from below and swage over the top?
@Stanleysteamer did yer get yer phooter sorted?
I WILL do it, I swear.
As with all of us, It is working "fine" now but I fear there may be a Trojan horse lurking, so not doing any internet banking on it.
If I had to I could use Wifey's iPad for that.
The weekend I just didn't use the old potter much and I've only just picked it up now to have a quick spin through on LZ before going to bed. tomoz is a bit busy as well. But I will get around to it.

Wifey is currently spring cleaning the lounge and I have to move an immense pile of books, which in turn means moving others.
I have an immense library of military history books so as i am moving them i am cataloguing them and shelving them so i can find them again. It makes sense but is a royal pain.:rolleyes:

You know those fold up crates? About 18" x 12" x 8"? Well this Christmas, she bought me two crates that size full. and all our shelves all over the house are full already. So some others will end up on ABeBooks.
for any that are interested and cannot find what they want elsewhere. Wifey has to buy mine from there as I have already harvested all there is of interest to me from the usual sources.
So please don't think your help has fallen on stony ground.
I will screw my courage to the sticking place and get it done.
I don't wan to have to put up with Wifey's fridge look every time I ask to borrow her iPad, and I have yet to do it.:eek::eek::eek:
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I just checked and in my edition of Feb 21 Land Rover Monthly on Page 25, is an article entitled "Our electrified future", written by Gary Pusey.
Just thumbed through page by page and that advert does not appear on any page in the whole mag.
The front cover states that it has in it "LRM's definitive Land rover Buying Guide."
Wonderin how this has happened. :confused:

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