Nope! It behaved well.
The turning down was done in several passes (for fun), and the drilling out in centre-tap, 6mm/10mm steps.
I am pleased that it didn't all fly to pieces on its first real outing.

No ,you just didn't want to fuck it up by taking too much off in one go!
I'd a done the same!
Last thing you need is tools overheating or snapping or owt else going wrong, quite apart from once you've taken it off, you can't put it back on easily if you've taken too much off!
Not an expert but I'd a thort chipping was a question of maybe not enough lube, tool not sharp enough or maybe imperfection in the workpiece metal. Or maybe the lathe not turning exactly smoothly, with no wobble, which i know is one of the issues you were addressing! Or the tool not mounted in a sufficiently stable manner. Again I think you are addressing this too! (Have to admit to not having followed all this too closely!)
But others will come on and tell us.
Yes! They should really stick to managing the building of new ferries to replace the ageing fleet of cal Mac boats ;)


No ,you just didn't want to fuck it up by taking too much off in one go!
I'd a done the same!
Last thing you need is tools overheating or snapping or owt else going wrong, quite apart from once you've taken it off, you can't put it back on easily if you've taken too much off!
Not an expert but I'd a thort chipping was a question of maybe not enough lube, tool not sharp enough or maybe imperfection in the workpiece metal. Or maybe the lathe not turning exactly smoothly, with no wobble, which i know is one of the issues you were addressing! Or the tool not mounted in a sufficiently stable manner. Again I think you are addressing this too! (Have to admit to not having followed all this too closely!)
But others will come on and tell us.
Ahhhh.... I was using the term "Chips" as in it was cutting bits off, not poor performance.
Got a good bit done today, now working on the 2nd gate whilst the glue is drying on the other one
pic is of the inside, the customer now wants a small pedestrian gate so the chainsaw will be fired up
first thing tomorrow morning to chop up the 5 meter planks. Oh the neighbours will love me. :oops:
View attachment 228246
What wood is yer using? Edgar wants to know.

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