Very nice. I am suitably jealous (of course). :)
My little "Toy Machine" is still in the "does this thing actually work" phase.
Some tool-holders turned up today and a bit of bronze rod actually got faced and turned down a tiny bit. I found a few problems just with this simple stuff and the gibs are tighter now but at the expense of ease of travel.
Still learning & getting used to the machine.
Best bit? My home-grown belt change & adjustment is working well and no transmission issues. :D
Progress is still progress, so well done.
Mornin to frens,
Be wet an fluddy doan yer. Rodes be cuvverd in watter. Hippocrates iddun flustered but us boys mosly stayn ohm an doin jobs.
The Doris be geddun jabbed necks week cuz er be care wurker. Theym not jabbin us boys furra wyle cuzzem not zhure us be wurf it.
Opin us frens orl be vit an well an avoydun idjots an there be plenny aboat!
I may have the answer/reason why my new windows are letting water into the house to ruin my internal decor.
When it rains heavily and for a prolonged period it seems that water is able to collect on the sub-sill where the water staining/ingress is occurring.
Couple this with the wind in a "head-on" direction and this standing water can be forced against the frame of the window. The corners of the frames are not welded (like their plastic predecessors were) and therefore I think that this standing water and wind pressure encourages the water to find its way through the frame and soaks into the plaster etc. etc. on the inside and then stains the wallpaper. :(
I have taken a video of this standing water, and sent it to the window company for their comment. The guy that came out the other day did remove the glass unit and apply sealant inside the frame structure where before there was none.
Today is just rain (no wind), so the pooled water is not being encouraged to find its way into the house I think.

Things Learned Since Forum Posting...

- Reading and reading comprehension are two different things
- People will miss the point
- People will wilfully miss the point
- People will contort themselves into all sorts of messes so they don't have to confront their bias
- Nuance is fecking *dead*. RIP
- People will smack head first into the point and still miss it
- Sometimes *you're* the problem
- When you make a mistake, you need to own it
- A mistake is less important than the action taken afterwards
- I can be incorrect
- Don't post when tired, this is how everyone knows my shopping list

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