Gude mornin tu orl frens, opin yur've ad a zukzezzvull week. Us boys ev bin wurkin vur us livin fur furst taime in ten mumfs an it be cummin ard so us been idle on LZ parade. Us be opin us ken be vurgivven but it be necezzary tur bring ome beer tokens. Upzide uv this nu imploymint be that us can zpend zome uv cash on us Hippo Vreelander, bestest 4x4 int hole whirl evva.
Happy weekend online friends :)

Found a letter in my post box last night from the hospital from my heart scan, some will
know I had blood clots in my lungs which caused my heart valves to swell up.
Now all back to normal :D:D

Cool n overcast here birds singing no gulls either not another sound having a cuppa alfresco.
First job is up the roof run the new sky cable in then fix a couple of slates then mot for the disco.
Hopefully get the wheel alignment done as its had all the suspension & steering replaced.
Messed about with the injection pump last night & no more smoke the last owner had so called
tuned it :rolleyes: was like puff the magic dragon (embarrassing) & got rid of the stupid noisy side exit
exhaust for a nice stainless one.

Be safe peeps & enjoy your weekend. :)
Yes it was poorly now all sorted for its mot tomorrow, the yellow as you know is a marker used in racing
when coming out of corners, if its pointing east or west an going straight would be sure indication that
its stuffed o_O:D
Thort so! I like to have one on a canal boat's wheel so I know where I am, coming out of locks etc. But really prefer a tiller as with that you cannot go wrong!
Pretty much ambidextrous but I couldn't imagine wearing a watch on my right arm :confused:
Me neither! Nor inside my wrist like some do. If I had it like that the crystal would be smashed within a week!
Wifey, for our wedding, gave me a Chronograph like what you need on rallies, the chronograph does 12 hours to hundredths of a second. Only shame is it is battery driven and i much prefer windups. but a wind up one costs a fortune and most chronographs now only do 1 hour.
Nice one, was the pic taken on a plane? (see comment re altitude)
I am right handed but a rifle butt falls naturally to my left shoulder and I draw a bow with my left hand. I wear my watch on the left wrist but with the face on the same side as my palm.
You sound more left-handed than right, although my left eye is stronger than my right and thus dominant. Which is fine for photgraphy but a problem with shooting as the rifle is held steadier and triggered smoother in my right hand, I have tried but cannot get my left eye to the sight. I write with my right hand but can use spanners and screwdrivers more or less the same with both.
But as I said in another post, if I wore my watch like you I am sure I'd shatter the crystal in very short order. Is there a reason why you do this? After all you have to turn your arm out to look at it?
Happy weekend online friends :)

Found a letter in my post box last night from the hospital from my heart scan, some will
know I had blood clots in my lungs which caused my heart valves to swell up.
Now all back to normal :D:D

Cool n overcast here birds singing no gulls either not another sound having a cuppa alfresco.
First job is up the roof run the new sky cable in then fix a couple of slates then mot for the disco.
Hopefully get the wheel alignment done as its had all the suspension & steering replaced.
Messed about with the injection pump last night & no more smoke the last owner had so called
tuned it :rolleyes: was like puff the magic dragon (embarrassing) & got rid of the stupid noisy side exit
exhaust for a nice stainless one.

Be safe peeps & enjoy your weekend. :)
Really happy for you about the blood clot thing. Must be a big relief for you.:):):):):)
Now, big question, is the stainless exhaust a sports one or just an ordinary but stainless one?
I ask cos that is more or less the best thing I ever did for my 3ootdi and if I'd known I'd a recommended it to you. completely removes the dodgy flat spot just off tickover as well as making it rev freelyier(?) and gives a bit more torque low down with no increase in mpg.
Just wondrin!
Have a celebratory bevy today!:D:D:D
Morning All :D
A light Drizzle here in Benfleet today, and quite cool.
Off to the House Of Doom to do the waste stack revisions (a truly $hit job). ;)
Taking the boys some Greggs breakfast stuff :)
Have a great day. :D
Wifey just caught a glimpse of the progress you guys have been making! Oops! I nearly got an earful until I told her "ah but they are going at it mobhanded" (hope she believes me)
But you are doing seriously well!:):):)
You sound more left-handed than right, although my left eye is stronger than my right and thus dominant.
Same here, I use my left eye when using land surveying equipment (and anything else that uses just one eye). Write with right hand. I didn't know I used a rifle left handed until someone asked if I was left handed. Which I'm not.

But as I said in another post, if I wore my watch like you I am sure I'd shatter the crystal in very short order. Is there a reason why you do this?
Its so I know what time it is :p.
Lovely pic of lightning over Brunel's bridge in Clifton, the one that has to be carefully watched during exam time for Bristol Uni! Did you take it or did you find it?:):):):):)
Lovely pic of lightning over Brunel's bridge in Clifton, the one that has to be carefully watched during exam time for Bristol Uni! Did you take it or did you find it?:):):):):)

Blagged it from the Met Office ... nice innit ...

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