AA as sent me renuwul fer me broke'd down fing fer 268 sovs. Eye be tellin them ah wonts er discownt or else.
RAC did that to me last year, did an online comparison then phoned them up to discuss it. Got it down to £149 for roadside and recovery to home, and held at that for the next renewal. Renewal just dropped through the letter box yesterday and because I am a long time member I can choose a freebie this year, either key n lock replacements if keys are lost or home start. I joined in 1974 :oops:, at that time I could have joined as a life member for 50 sovs, nothing else to pay ever, what a bargain that would have been. But back then that was a lot of wedge, far beyond my means.
Good morning zoners very cool an overcast here sea gulls are doing my head in.
2 young ones kicking about wiv constant wheeeet wheeeet wheeet im meant to be finishing the
roof tiles & running the sky cable in cant im off doon the unit to mess about for a couple of hours
an hopefully they will have pizzed off for a while, the joys of living next to the sea. lol

Fitted my raptor wheel as its been kicking about my parts store for while & a split charger just to wrap the wiring up.

Happy Friday peeps have a nice day.
Morning All :D
Wonderfully cool today. :)
Will be back round to the house in a short while. Today is a kitchen-fitting day I am told.
Tomorrow is "new soil-pipe day" :eek::eek::eek: remove old run and install new one to re-jigged bathroom. :( - Why are we putting this job off???? :rolleyes:
You all have a great day wherever you are. :D

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