Me new watch for me up coming birthday arrived today from Canada. Right pleased with it I am :D

Nearly the same colour as bobb:D
I pay a third of that for personal cover, covers bikes and cars and they'll take me home too, not just the nearest garage
Eye payd 145 sovs last yeer. After sumfink like 15 yeers membership eye tellem its that time of yeer when eye ring up un offer ter cancel unless eye get the web rate fer noobs. Eye fix un repair it meself un wuddunt call em oat ferra flat tire. Eye wud change it meself. Nevva called em oat. If it dint start ut ome eye av me own diagnostics.
Eye payd 145 sovs last yeer. After sumfink like 15 yeers membership eye tellem its that time of yeer when eye ring up un offer ter cancel unless eye get the web rate fer noobs. Eye fix un repair it meself un wuddunt call em oat ferra flat tire. Eye wud change it meself. Nevva called em oat. If it dint start ut ome eye av me own diagnostics.

Begs the question 'why bother'? You kin get basic cover amongst other (admittedly questionable ) benefits as a bolt on to a Natwest bank account..
Begs the question 'why bother'? You kin get basic cover amongst other (admittedly questionable ) benefits as a bolt on to a Natwest bank account..
Becos if sumfink goes wrong that eye need er part of if its too difficult ter fix eye need sum won ter elp me carry it ome. Eye ve seen the cheepa options but a lot dunt cuvva fings like being wivvin 1 mile ov ome. Or only carry yer max 50 miles... So at leest eye as cuvva ter elp if needed.

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