Twas dozing in my chair when i heard a scream..

Waking from my slumber to this scream I shot up out the chair and slammed my shin on the coffee table and fell over, i then hobbled to my 10yr old sisters room to be greeted with a "there is something in my room".. :confused:

Right.... o_O

Eventually it appeared after some waiting, a Poplar Hawk Moth :oops: this was them accompanied with another "AHHHHH!!!!" :eek:

A quick slap with a piece of a4 paper "knocked it out" and i caught it in a glass..

It woke back up and started going balls to the wall insane...

I did get a pic though :cool:


It is now outside :)

And all is well.. :p:D
Am gunna try ter fit me dor un frame terday. Eye also lukin oat fer me sparras as they not beer bout much. Eye saw sum oat front of me castle int bush. They seemd ter be angry wiv sumfink. Then they flowd ter me naybors ruf. Eye int seed em as much int me gardin. Tuvva day eye seed wonner the small ones and it add red ont its ed. So eye fink it as becum an adult.
I as given myself my second lockdown haircut. Well, half a haircut on account of the clippers run out of charge half way through. But I knew this from haircut number one so I only did back and sides this morning, left the top until clippers recharged. I looks like a reject from peaky blinders. :oops:.

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