I'm sat here waiting for the post person to deliver my motivation again.
I've used nearly a bucketful of motivation this morning, there's a bit left in the bucket if you wannit.
One load of rubble taken to the recycle site and another load transferred from back to front of house, ready for loading into the landy early next week. Won't do it at the weekend, recycle site is too busy with work type peeps who can only get there at the weekend and anyway its gonna rain for them :p.
Eye be wurkin int garig un spottid this. It beer cattapilla angin frompt steel gurda int garig witch olds tup me bricks above me doors. If yer blowd onnit it slowly culs er bit then straytons oat ergen. Eye as noticed blak cattapilla's rownd me castle un sum clymin tup me walls but this be the fust time eye as realeyes'd they be lukkin fer sumwhere ter ang frompt.


cat01 GcYBSyS

Next day it be lukin lyke this.


cat04 oxLe1UD
Eye be wurkin int garig un spottid this. It beer cattapilla angin frompt steel gurda int garig witch olds tup me bricks above me doors. If yer blowd onnit it slowly culs er bit then straytons oat ergen. Eye as noticed blak cattapilla's rownd me castle un sum clymin tup me walls but this be the fust time eye as realeyes'd they be lukkin fer sumwhere ter ang frompt.


cat01 GcYBSyS

Next day it be lukin lyke this.


cat04 oxLe1UD
Temorow it'll be a mof or a fluterby. Don't miss the reveal!!!!
Afta eye seed the fust one angin ah luked rand un fownd ernuvva lowa darn layter ont. It be just int side me garig door ont brick angin oft the side where eye cut the brick. It be the same type as the won above.


cat02 F4EkdfL

When I went back ferra nuvva luk layter ont it add changed colour. Eye dint see the tother one this colour so it must appen quick. Eye cud ear im wukin erway intside. Thar wos sum ammerin un the sownd ovva band saw. So e must be busy maykin is wings.


cat03 CCIEjZK

Then er bit layter ont e add changed ergen. Int naychair er wonderful fing. It be clevva ow they nose wot ter do un does it all thems self's. It beer mryicol of nature un eye be blessed ter av gorrum.


cat05 Wghe19B
.........That clearly no good deed goes unpunished.
Herself talked me into making her 90YO mother a bird-table as she like to feed the birds scraps etc.
So I made it yesterday and installed it today in the sweltering hot sun.
I had the devils own job with it because once the 2-foot ground spike was hammered in, I could Not for the life of me get the scrap of post out of the socket to then put the bird table's post into the socket.
Cue much humming and hawing, sweating and straining and finally I got it out and the table installed and both hanging feeders on there. All done.
Then it was time to go. Words of thanks or appreciation from the old bat was there none, she just sat in her chair jabbering on the usual nonsense about evacuation during the war and working in the city as a secretary and any other random old ****e that pops into her head.
Guid afternoon
Just collected my 90
Brilliant paint job and new Land Rover badge fitted to front of bonnet and they even replaced a couple of Defender stickers I had along the side of the bonnet.
AGMORS Coachworks in Glasgow, thoroughly recommend these guys.
Now to polish the rest of the panels to match the bonnet.....when the rain stops
Us boys short uv zleep, twuz ammerin doan durin naight an iddun no watterin fur to du smornin apart vrum mekkin zure Polly Tunnelle stays moist. Us'll drape doan garden an damp er doan dreckly.
Opin yer orl well an reddy tur mek best uv weak end, lukin vorward tu moor Bugwatch bulletins vrum our glorious leader. ;)

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