I wouldn't know what to do in a barbers!
When I was a nippa I would be sent to the barbers for a cut. There were about half a dozen barbers on the shop, all trained by hitler. They'd threaten to clip your lug if you didn't keep still while they whizzed the clippers over yer barnet, usually followed by a lug clip a nano second later. And woe betide any kid caught reading a "gentlemen's" magazine behind the beano while you were waiting.
Ere @Hippo , nice bitta lepidopterology sirrah.
Any idea whut kinda katypliers you gots there? I couldn't findem on tinternet, might be a nayliun!? :confused:o_O:eek:
Eye fink it cud beer peacock buttafly kattapilla.


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Eye were in un oat garig fer most of the day. No sign ovvit cummin oat but eye cud ear bildin activity int side. Cud ear kettul boil ferris t brake an if eye not be mistaykin er snap ovva kitkat.
Happy Monday folks.

well been working hard this morning prepping to lay some more (bloody tiles) anyway all cleaned and a bit of self leveling down. It’s hot now so think today is a half day:D.

I did nearly burn me fingers yesterday so did a little test today.

1. Get empty bucket, place thermometer in from the pool.


30°c it’s just come out the pool:).

2. Turn on the garden hose and fill the bucket.


It’s gone off the scale had to get the little digital 1.

No wonder I burnt me fingers yesterday when it caught me unaware, don’t know why cos we used to use solar showers and a big tank for the hot water when we first got here and lived in a caravan for 1 summer.
The hose is just laid out on the ground.

So anyway I have been told to take the afternoon off :):) mighty nice of M. Mind you I will hear the whip cracking tomorrow morning.

Hope the sun comes out for you guys cos it’s nice today:)


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