My rain is guaranteed to arrive tonight.
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Looks like you've got a noisy night
Looks lovely out there. We 'ad a disturbed night 'cos the wee one found the minute amount of T & L frightening He has just risen from 'is pit and wandered outside very gingerly. Meanwhile the big un sleeps on and I am back in mi pit wi me cupps. The sun is now out but everywhere seems fresher after the light rain shower. Make the most of your Friday folks.:)
Morning all :D
The much lauded thunderstorms have not yet happened here :)
My local weather application says about 1PM here for the thunder & lightning.
Going to the MIL's later to put up a bird table I have made for her.
Cat's fed and all chores chored.
Coffee is being glugged and all is good! :)
Have a fabulous day. :D
I've taken a days holiday to pretend I'm retired - loads of jobs to do terday. Just munched down a black pudding and fried egg banjo which failed live deliver what I thought it might taste like. Once I've had a coffee I'll try n motivate mesen to get through some Drover stuff, maybe some garden stuff and before it gets readers maybe walk one if the pooches.

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