Ref BB
I've just gone through the pages of posts and the search int workin.
Linky or short version please someone?
Looks as if the reason is here - from June 12th.

blue beasty Leaks an prone to bits dropping off
Jun 10, 2007
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Ok I'm obviously well out of step with the general feeling on LZ.

Not that unusual in itself but tackling institutional racism is something I feel passionately about and I'm having real trouble separating my emotional response to some comments from my role as a moderator and can't continue in good conscience.

Go well and remember to be kind

blue beasty, Jun 12, 2020 Report
#154 Like + Quote Reply
owas, wattfield, frog hopper and 7 others like this.
Morning All :D
Drizzly start to the day but never mind, we're still the right side of the grass. :)
Got a few more "bits" done yesterday.
  1. Chopped some kindling,
  2. Dismantled the wheelbarrow in preparation for a new "Tub" that's coming next week (had to drill 4 of 6 bolts out).
  3. Fitted a door-stop to the railway sleeper at the back door to stop the door being blown too far open and stressing the hinges.
  4. Did a bit more "tidying" of the workshop.
I felt "off" and decidedly under-par all day. Feel much better today. :D
Have a Wonderful day everyone, and all you other Dad's - I hope you too get spoiled rotten by your family's. :p:p:p
I'm all for freedom of speech and indeed a couple of my own posts have attracted the attention of the more pompous and condescending members but some of the stuff currently doing the rounds is nothing short of hate speech and it's a moot point as to whether it should be permitted.

Personally I find all the casual nastiness very disappointing, seems some posts are written purely for the reaction that's expected. Think I'll just stay here in my nice snowflake bubble.

All the best @blue beasty reckon you did an excellent job for as long as you could.
Personally I find all the casual nastiness very disappointing, seems some posts are written purely for the reaction that's expected. Think I'll just stay here in my nice snowflake bubble.

All the best @blue beasty reckon you did an excellent job for as long as you could.
I must have missed a meeting. Has Brian stepped down as a mod? I didn't realise. He will be sorely missed by a great many.

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