Happy Friday no rain today:) yet;)

Spent the day doing electrickery :eek:. When I fired up the new pump yesterday the chlorinater would not come on properly :(. Anyway fresh look today.

so I had to look in here.


Ohhhh that looks like lots of stuff to run not much:eek::D
Had to spear a slug who had decided to squeeze himself in one of the holes to get the cover off, made a bit of a mess:oops:
So after looking at it and more looking at it:confused: decided to do some probing (we all like some probing:D)
So out with the trusty DVM, 230v here there and everywhere it should be:). Turn on the pump and 147v here there and everywhere WTF:eek::confused: Who’s nicked 80v.

More looking:).

Right into the house we go and unveil that box of trickery. Here it gets tricky cos it has mains and solar main switches, more looking:)
Anyway I found me 80v it was across the 2 different neutral/earth bars for some reason:confused:, (that’s for the smart sparkies to answer) so moved the neutral/earth to the other bar.
Back down the hole in the ground and 230v everywhere all the time:D:):) everything works and now running right.

Now all we have to do is get rid of all this ****ty weather and use the bloody pool:)

Now it’s Friday beer time and a Chinese takeaway that M has picked up while she was getting her eyes checked:)

Enjoy the weekend peeps:)

Number one son is facing redundancy from his present firm, he is on furlough until end of July/ beginning of August ...

But he has been offered two job positions ... he wants to wait for his redundancy, (it's a few bob), but he's not sure if the jobs will wait for him ...
meanwhile he has to negotiate between them to pick which one ...
Number one son is facing redundancy from his present firm, he is on furlough until end of July/ beginning of August ...

But he has been offered two job positions ... he wants to wait for his redundancy, (it's a few bob), but he's not sure if the jobs will wait for him ...
meanwhile he has to negotiate between them to pick which one ...
what kind/type of job?
Number one son is facing redundancy from his present firm, he is on furlough until end of July/ beginning of August ...

But he has been offered two job positions ... he wants to wait for his redundancy, (it's a few bob), but he's not sure if the jobs will wait for him ...
meanwhile he has to negotiate between them to pick which one ...
Best of luck to him.
Number one son is facing redundancy from his present firm, he is on furlough until end of July/ beginning of August ...

But he has been offered two job positions ... he wants to wait for his redundancy, (it's a few bob), but he's not sure if the jobs will wait for him ...
meanwhile he has to negotiate between them to pick which one ...
Get them to speak to HR for an earlier finish date. They should give you 1 as it will save them a few weeks money.
Also a good company will wait for the new worker.
Good luck to him
Number one son is facing redundancy from his present firm, he is on furlough until end of July/ beginning of August ...

But he has been offered two job positions ... he wants to wait for his redundancy, (it's a few bob), but he's not sure if the jobs will wait for him ...
meanwhile he has to negotiate between them to pick which one ...

I'm in the pot for redundancy too, feels weird (after all I've done for the bastids). However, will be one of a pot of three. Number three has been on furlough since March, nuff said. An number two wouldn't recognize a spanner iffn it hit him tween the the eyes. Am quietly confident, an iffn I'm wrong ****em anyways.
Best of luck to your son. Hopefully he can choose the job he wants best, a job you need int so shiny..
An anyways, I has had a day oft!
I has been out in me Tratter (the most iconic four by four inna worl) wif swmbo an fuzzybutt. The chippy in Wickham were open (sadly Square Cow pub weren't) an we had a chip butty down by the river. Am not ashamed to say that the lockdown lack of plebs is still pleasin.
Hopefully the lovely pub inna square will be open again soon.
Hairdryer is all lubed up an good to go.
On balance a good day, shame pub weren't open though.
Night Pepys (sic) :p
It looks as if there has been a bit of drizzle in the last hour but that has now ceased. There is no sign yet, of the sunny periods we have been promised so it is a case of keeping my fingers crossed and hoping.
Have a good weekend folks, and I hope the weather holds good for all your plans.:)
Morning All :D
Another fabulous day it seems :)
Been out to get her paper, fed the cats, cleared the drainer of yesterday's dishes.
1st Coffee at my side, and I am raring to get on with the day.:)
"Thumper" kept me awake a lot last night, but its probably just me being anxious about it.
I am going to attempt some more workshop cleanup & tidying today.

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