Me sparras musta finishd growd int nest. Not much activity going to un frompt me ruf. Totha day eye spottid more activity. Then thar be tweets frompt ruf int side. Eye finks thar be mor baby buds int me ruf. Yesterday eye puttid sum more wurms darn un one sparra wur gerrim em un taykin em ter me ruf then cuming bak fer more. Constantly. So that as confirmd it. Eye be appi wiv dat. An gottid mor baby sparra buds.
Me sparras musta finishd growd int nest. Not much activity going to un frompt me ruf. Totha day eye spottid more activity. Then thar be tweets frompt ruf int side. Eye finks thar be mor baby buds int me ruf. Yesterday eye puttid sum more wurms darn un one sparra wur gerrim em un taykin em ter me ruf then cuming bak fer more. Constantly. So that as confirmd it. Eye be appi wiv dat. An gottid mor baby sparra buds.

...are you growing asparagus? @DevonGuy can you translate please?
...are you growing asparagus? @DevonGuy can you translate please?
Lord Hippo commends himself to Baron Doriz and begs to inform him further as to the circumstances regarding the songbird population adjacent to his current residence. It would appear after long observation and indeed deliberation that sparrow chicks have successfully hatched and may have fledged in the shelter of the roof structure of Castle Hippo. Further information will be released as and when it becomes available.
Happy Thursday all:)

Managed to fit the pump with all the old fittings, result:) only 1 wounded knuckle leaking the red stuff. Just gone to get me crimpers and new crimps for the wiring , and the bloody heavens have opened. I can see some blue sky over there and it looks like it’s coming my way, so I guess a cup of coffee is on the cards :)

Lord Hippo commends himself to Baron Doriz and begs to inform him further as to the circumstances regarding the songbird population adjacent to his current residence. It would appear after long observation and indeed deliberation that sparrow chicks have successfully hatched and may have fledged in the shelter of the roof structure of Castle Hippo. Further information will be released as and when it becomes available.

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