Good evening from the hilton(not the posh hotel)
Yes The day did get better. Tyre fitter removed tyre & repaired puncture. Blew tyre up & found another hole :oops:.
Traffic jam over woodhead pass
Had about hours worth of heavy rain down the motorways. Dry now. Free meal from the services :)
Well today has been a weird weather day. Very muggy and oppressive and so we kept deciding NOT to mow the lawn because it will just "chuck it down in a minute".
However, come 7 PM and still no rain and it being nice & cool I dragged the mower out of my new shed (have I mentioned that I have a new shed?) and blitzed the lawn in about 30 minutes. Mower back in the shed and a large G & T at my side and me admiring the garden. I looked on the local weather app and it still says "Thunderstorms" (liar!).
Skip arrives tomorrow morning for the big cleanup and garage clear-out. :) So you can be sure it will be ****ing down then.
Evening all.
All I have to say is it’s been the worst start to June so far. Loads of rain and thunderstorms (to watch:))
Well the bloody pump packed up on Tuesday so run into the big boy town today for new pump and hope I have the Heath Robinson were with all to get it altogether with the bits I guessed at:eek:;)

Other than that things are fine here. Still bloody weeding though :(

Hope the Thursday workers are keeping safe.


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