They will probably be back tomorrow. ;)
I think your right, except I think it might be this evening! Interestingly, the dogs just sniffed the air where they were and just walked away.:)
I'm sure someone will squawk soon, after all, they are probably their Christmas dinner! Farmers are not known for losing things of value without putting up a fight.:)
Good evening from near raf wittering.
Nice drive but traffic is picking up with idiots who have forgot to read the Highway Code while off.
Sitting in the sun while it’s out.
First real day of the shed build today.
Today was the first day when Thom & I had a full run at the project together.
The morning was spent setting out the concrete pads in the formation required and all to the same level +/- a bit of "bubble" and offloading the delivery truck with all the timber.
I was surprised at the weight of the tanalised timber compared to the plain CLS studwork timber as we unloaded the truck it came on,
Then we turned our attention to the making of the inner section of the raft that sits on top of the blocks.
Once that was done we began making the studwork walls as separate sections to be mounted to the raft at a later stage.
Tomorrow, we will place the raft on the concrete pads and complete that part with another ring of timber beams around the edge of the inner section and then place the walls on top.
By close of play today 2 of the long-walls of the shed have been made and two short-walls will be made tomorrow.
While it is true that Thom did the vast bulk of the work (I am paying him a decent day rate to do so), I was there assisting on every step and this old body really knows all about it.

My wife is fussing round me like an old mother hen and surprisingly my Son pitched up this evening to announce he will be joining us tomorrow,

Ah bin saynsberrys. Shreddeys be ont discownt so eye got lots. Am injoyin choppin wiv oat peeps int way. Just goes ter show ow many goes ter wonda erbowt ter gerrint way. Av they nowt betterer ter do. Bastids.

Eye dint get rownd ter garn bnq fer me unda coat. Am garn morra. Me paynt is neerly dry all ova. Needs more ont end bits as it keeps sowkin int but eye will unda coat it fust. Eye int dun anyfink else terday.
First real day of the shed build today.
Today was the first day when Thom & I had a full run at the project together.
The morning was spent setting out the concrete pads in the formation required and all to the same level +/- a bit of "bubble" and offloading the delivery truck with all the timber.
I was surprised at the weight of the tanalised timber compared to the plain CLS studwork timber as we unloaded the truck it came on,
Then we turned our attention to the making of the inner section of the raft that sits on top of the blocks.
Once that was done we began making the studwork walls as separate sections to be mounted to the raft at a later stage.
Tomorrow, we will place the raft on the concrete pads and complete that part with another ring of timber beams around the edge of the inner section and then place the walls on top.
By close of play today 2 of the long-walls of the shed have been made and two short-walls will be made tomorrow.
While it is true that Thom did the vast bulk of the work (I am paying him a decent day rate to do so), I was there assisting on every step and this old body really knows all about it.

My wife is fussing round me like an old mother hen and surprisingly my Son pitched up this evening to announce he will be joining us tomorrow,

Wot type of wud is it? Does it have a name or is it just soft wud or ard wud? Un why int it startid ter twist within ten minutes lyke wot eye've bort from bnq?
Mornin volks.
There be blobs uv clear liquid cummin oat uv sky. Us ringing 999. It be zoakin inter ground an us dunnow what dammidge it be doin. Us hippo (bestest 4x4 in the hole whirl evva) be zafe an zound but us veelin zorry fer the poor volks as drive tratters and uvva soluble vehicles.

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