Morning All :D
A bright and Sunny day here.
Cat's are fed, coffee is made and I am sat here in my treadmill-togs ready for today's 3-miles.
One of the cats is now addicted to cream. She hears me take to top off the carton and comes bounding into the kitchen and onto the work surface and demands her teaspoon of cream on a saucer.
Proper comical it is. No plans for today other than cook us both a Sunday Brunch and play in my workshop later.
Have lovely day y'all.
Av got buds. A keep garn oat kitchin dor un lil buds fly oft ruf. It beer lil ruf ut ferty degres un for fut long wiv coragaytid tyles. They fly ter gutrin ont end un pop int gap wher tile swep tup then darn. Eye av notised buds ferrabit but int seend pruf. Eye av now. Yesterday ah seend one fly territ un luked rand un it diserperd. So ah stepd erway un wotched. Famlee of lil buds int me tree. Won wontid ter go int un flowd ter me garig tree then naybors tree then bak ter myne. Wontin ter go ome but not when eye wur wotchin. So ah walkd bakards darn gardin wotchin. They be flowd quick un gone when they enta un tu did. So ah got me fust buds nest int me ruf. Eye be app. It beer shame eye int gottid int thar fust wivva nest box un camra.
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Wee one got me up at 3am! He'd 'ad jippy tummy yesterday - my fault as I gave him half a cooked sausage when he is used to raw food only, he enjoyed it - but he paid the price late afternoon / evening, so when he asked to go out, I got up and let him go. At 3.45 I checked to see if he had returned, but no, so I just left 'im out and went back to bed. I got up at 7am to find a dog lying on the rear step. When he heard me he leapt up ready to come in. I opened the door and turned to start making my cuppa and he shot in but before I could turn back to close the door he had shot out carrying his 'pillow'!:rolleyes: Tea made, wee dog out, big'un still in bed, I returned to my pit. All happy!
Wee one got me up at 3am! He'd 'ad jippy tummy yesterday - my fault as I gave him half a cooked sausage when he is used to raw food only, he enjoyed it - but he paid the price late afternoon / evening, so when he asked to go out, I got up and let him go. At 3.45 I checked to see if he had returned, but no, so I just left 'im out and went back to bed. I got up at 7am to find a dog lying on the rear step. When he heard me he leapt up ready to come in. I opened the door and turned to start making my cuppa and he shot in but before I could turn back to close the door he had shot out carrying his 'pillow'!:rolleyes: Tea made, wee dog out, big'un still in bed, I returned to my pit. All happy!
Ow cums they only eatid raw meet?

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