Ah bin fytin wulrus. Ah needa nu wulrus cheka. It be 50 sovs tu yer ergo. So ah luks ut tup dayt un it be 35 sovs unner mumflee subscriptun. Ah dunt lyke it assa wont er won oft charg so eye torks too em ont chat fing lyke as does every tu yer. Ah normerly dos this ter gettid pryce darn. Ah onlee need won puta covered fer tu yer. They sed 70 sovs un blagged it wur ont 30% discownt. Int end ah reelised wulrus softwer wer 35 sovs only. Mumflee fing was afta that un yer be cansul it. Chat peep then droptd price ter 35 ter match. Eye be appi. Past ter uvva peep ter proces. They put card detayul int wrong. Adta ring card peep un they teld me this. So ah teld them un they purrit frew. Gor hemayul un voyc sed 70 sovs. Pryce was sunfink lyke 270 viv 120 oft, fer free puta's. Eye argrud un choppd the fuker oft as thay be dunnit wong. vun forcd me ut last minit ter agree ter subscrptun after wulrus lysens runs oat fer ortoematic renuwal. Am noravvin that.

Ah then gets ont me couwt ont lyne un cansuls subscriptun. Ah also cansuls paymint. Ah then uses me wulrus softwer ther by sed lysense fer 35 sovs with subscrptun. Ah sea's optun fer won or tu or free yers. Normulee gows fer 2 but free be better valu fer sovs un it be 50 so ah pic's that. Gows frew ok so ah goes back ont lyne un canculs subscritun ergen. Worra lorra erbowt ter tect mesen frompt wulrus. Onlee gottid won puta un pay fer won befor. But this tyme ah charg fer using free puta's for 70 sovs fer tu yer. Then 50 sovs fer ten puta's fer free yers. need ter sort emselvs oat. Un av more spect fer da ippo.
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Av just adda luk ont wulrus fred. They be powstin er lotta b*lluks ont ther. We is gonna afta up our game ont this fred if we is gonna stay ah hed.
Em knows nort ont walrus fred. Us boys wuz ont Vasebook tuvva day, there wuz this bloke what sounds like virologgist (he'm clever cuz ee wuz a drain clearer lars week) anyway ee rackons tis caused bai 5G marsts. Us thort us boys'd pruv it. Got phone, wrapped a facemarsk round un an nuffin wurked. Zo bloke wuz raight. Ad tu turn phone off first but tis obveus, that.
Us boys goin doan pub ledder, tell em tis orl ok now.
Morning All :D
Still here, paper collected from Shop, Coffee made and here at my desk.
Not such a bright day today but it is not raining so all is right with the world.
No sign of the Lurgy in any of my family here in this town. People are being really chary about shared space like pavements which is fun to watch as they do a little dance.
The young have more trouble as they can't take their eyes off their phones (or their head out of their ar$e).:)
Treadmill has been trodden, and herself is making me a lovely vegetable soup (from fresh ingredients) for our lunch. :p
I am a few weeks behind schedule with the diet as it was meant to be 24 weeks to get down to 11 stone, and it now looks like I won't get there till week 27 at the earliest.
But lock-down has played a part in that (stuck indoors with a weak-will = more "Snacking" on cheese, nuts etc.) but I will get there I am sure.:D
I could probably get a part in a Whitehall Farce now because my trousers can actually fall off and I am constantly hoiking them up before they end up round my ankles.
No sun yet :( but then there is no rain either.:)
Made me cuppa and I'm back in bed. Have to risk the shop today as the milk is almost run out. The dogs are OK though as I've still got a pint of goats milk for the.:)
Enjoy your Sunday.:)

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