Good Morning everyone, sorry I am a bit late :D
One of the cats had been unwell in the night and a fair bit of "cleanup on aisle 3" was required.
Paper retrieved from the Newsagents, 1st Coffee made and going down a treat.
Herself just emerging from hibernation. Another Lovely day out there. :)
I rode my new trike for the first time yesterday, wasn't bad; some more work to do before I can say it is finished.
Rocking the "Lockdown" as usual.
Good Morning everyone, sorry I am a bit late :D
One of the cats had been unwell in the night and a fair bit of "cleanup on aisle 3" was required.
Paper retrieved from the Newsagents, 1st Coffee made and going down a treat.
Herself just emerging from hibernation. Another Lovely day out there. :)
I rode my new trike for the first time yesterday, wasn't bad; some more work to do before I can say it is finished.
Rocking the "Lockdown" as usual.
I has been noted, just no commitment lol :)
I am on my second coffee and half hour of training to commence shortly!
Note to all Tratterers, look after yer oinkers
3 miles on the treadmill, a cup of fruit-tea and a shower then it was off to the Petrol Station to top the car up and refill the gas can for the mower.
Lawn is all mowed and the moaning about it has stopped. :) Will do it again in a fortnight's time.
A simple Beef-Tomato and Mozzarella cheese lunch and then some "me time" in my workshop I think.

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