this is a genuine as stamped VIN on an original 1991 chassis, note the 'stars' are not stars buy BL stamps. Also i changed from defender 2.5na to defender spec 200tdi and DVLA were fine, i had it inspected after i put the engine in and a local garage did me a note on headed paper. Insurance company werent fussed as it was a standard engine available for that vehicle at the time
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The 'official' VIN looks a worse job than the OPs!
At the end of the day you did your due diligence and the vehicle checks out, as many have said from the original Landrover from 1991 there may not be much left that’s original as it would have rusted away by now so get the soft top on and your away ! Much cooler than a bug anyway they are even rustier
There is no mileage in dwelling on your plight.
You came to own this vehicle in good faith and, as Mr Imp says, after making reasonable enquiries.
I guess in your position I would shut up and keep drinking.
Whatever course you decide upon, I wish you well.
I am sure I don't need to say this but I must add to my earlier post that under no circumstances should you contemplate selling it on, other than to a scrapper.
To do so would place you on the same level as the person you bought it from.
Best wishes.

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