Don't worry about it. The paperwork is all straight as far as the authorities are concerned so just enjoy it. Don't confuse yourself with facts!
Has the OP found the engine number yet?

EDIT: googled it engine number on V5 is 200TDI
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Yeah except the engine number.

Somehow missed that in all the posts.
Still an engine change is one you are allowed to do, so if he says he's changed the engine and gives them the new number they won't turn a hair. All they care about is when someone wants to change to a smaller engine (number) to try and pay lower road tax. I knows it cos I have stuck a 1275 engine in a 950 mini. No one gave a fu ck. They just updated the V5 or whatever it is called this week.
Has the OP found the engine number yet?

EDIT: googled it engine number on V5 is 200TDI

Yep as I wrote earlier.

Somehow missed that in all the posts.
Still an engine change is one you are allowed to do, so if he says he's changed the engine and gives them the new number they won't turn a hair. All they care about is when someone wants to change to a smaller engine (number) to try and pay lower road tax. I knows it cos I have stuck a 1275 engine in a 950 mini. No one gave a fu ck. They just updated the V5 or whatever it is called this week.

When was this?, some have had issues in the last few years needing engineers reports etc from what I have heard. I did not and like you just changed the number from a 19J to a 300tdi. But I would be wary.

Yep as I wrote earlier.

When was this?, some have had issues in the last few years needing engineers reports etc from what I have heard. I did not and like you just changed the number from a 19J to a 300tdi. But I would be wary.

Have to admit I cannot remember how long ago it was but it wasn't that long ago, and it was in a vehicle that often did have that engine type, so maybe that was why I had no probs. Coopers of the time ran with them. All you could do would be to ring them and ask, "I'd like to change my engine, what would be involved as far as you are concerned?" before going any further.
If they cut up rough then it would be possible I suppose to put a 200 or 300tdi in and update with that number, which might be seen as a shame. But I'd rather have a 300tdi than a TD5 in many ways. Having both in different vehicles!
Don't spend any money on it. THAT IS A RINGER, no if's or maybe, THAT IS A RINGER.
It is a TD5, complete with rear tank and the stamped chassis number was definitely NOT stamped at Solihull.
Ignore the random theories, IT IS A RINGER.
Don't spend any money on it. THAT IS A RINGER, no if's or maybe, THAT IS A RINGER.
It is a TD5, complete with rear tank and the stamped chassis number was definitely NOT stamped at Solihull.
Ignore the random theories, IT IS A RINGER.

It is looking that way, what would you do with it? I don’t think I can afford to let it go a potential be crushed or whatever they do with them
IMO the only way to be100% sure it's a ringer is to find a few serial numbers and see if any of them are from a stolen vehicle. Or just enjoy the ride as the last owner did for 6 years.
If you can get the engine number the place where you got your vehicle history check done may be able to help with where it came from.
IMO the only way to be100% sure it's a ringer is to find a few serial numbers and see if any of them are from a stolen vehicle. Or just enjoy the ride as the last owner did for 6 years.
If you can get the engine number the place where you got your vehicle history check done may be able to help with where it came from.

I will try and find the engine number but it’s not there, if I’m looking in the right place. Will look again tomorrow.
If it is a ringer that may have been someones pride and joy, but will it ever end up back with them, chances are it happened many years ago, the insurance would have paid out and if it can be proven what car it was it will be returned to the insurance company, that will most likely scrap it as the cost and hassle of getting it sorted and back on the road with correct numbers would be too high, they might not identify it and it may be crushed or you might get to keep it with Q plate.
Hassle the guy you got it from, tell him you want to swap back as you think the car is a ringer, or keep defender and just forget all about it, the only think that might cause a problem is the engine number, you could double check it is not there
Yer average tratter wannabe often buys on impulse and doesn't know what the hell they are looking for until a crossmember falls off or the foo foo valve fails - Could be a simple mistake by all concerned, and could be nothing at all.

Go gerrit muddy

That just about sums me up when I bought the first one I viewed. 10yrs and a LOT of money later I’m not sure much has changed.
this is a genuine as stamped VIN on an original 1991 chassis, note the 'stars' are not stars buy BL stamps. Also i changed from defender 2.5na to defender spec 200tdi and DVLA were fine, i had it inspected after i put the engine in and a local garage did me a note on headed paper. Insurance company werent fussed as it was a standard engine available for that vehicle at the time

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