As said, best of luck. The heads should not be skimmed, they are prone to cracking. Skimming will make the risk of failure greater.
BMW state the head cannot be skimmed on the M51.

I've heard that but maybe if it was more a polish than a skim they might get away with it. Usually the head cracks rather than warps so it was probably OK before they started.
I've heard that but maybe if it was more a polish than a skim they might get away with it. Usually the head cracks rather than warps so it was probably OK before they started.
What worries me is why was the head pulled? HGF is so rare that I have never actually heard of a genuine one that I can remember. Cracked heads on the other hand are more common, usually due to repeated overheats which are often caused by a duff viscous fan.
I just hope for his sake that it doesn't overheat the first time it's worked hard.
Also, it doesn't strike me that the car has been well maintained/treated gently if it needed the head pulled.
For comparison I am paying the equivalent of 541 pounds to insure my P38 in BC. We have government run insurance over here which simplifies everything. You can add extra insurance through private firms but must first get basic from the government. I am retired, have a perfect record and don't drive that many miles each year.
For comparison I am paying the equivalent of 541 pounds to insure my P38 in BC. We have government run insurance over here which simplifies everything. You can add extra insurance through private firms but must first get basic from the government. I am retired, have a perfect record and don't drive that many miles each year.

I believe it is similar in Australia. Everyone is covered 3rd party through a broker to a government scheme and then you top up. Protects everyone against stolen vehicles and so forth. Also means the car is insured rather than a specific driver. Seems to make sense to me.
For comparison I am paying the equivalent of 541 pounds to insure my P38 in BC. We have government run insurance over here which simplifies everything. You can add extra insurance through private firms but must first get basic from the government. I am retired, have a perfect record and don't drive that many miles each year.
Crikey I pay less than £400 to insure my P38 and MX5 fully comp
Hi mate 3-400 fully comp for me similar for me dependant on location/age. On a tdv6 there are a choice of head gasket thicknesses approximately to allow for piston protrusion/skimming, Not sure how skimming a head 10 tho would significantly weaken it LR also say there's lots of things you cant do but you can, go out and enjoy it but keep an eye on the temp gauge LOL all the best

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