
New Member
Well as of yesterday my disco has desided that it is getting broken into. I have tried all that I know ( that's not much ) to figure out what is fooked.

So any way to the question, is it Posable to by pass the alarm/ immobiliser on a 300 Tdi auto discovery? and how?

I have changed the battery's in the fobs.
I have used the key coad On the drivers door it shuts the alarm up but it's still wont start.
Got in shut all doors closed all windows and gave it 5 min.
Took the battery off over night.

I know that some will think whate a min are you trying to nick some discos ( yes I have a fetish for rust) but it happend yesterday when laining with others from here and again just before I got home.

Idid a search and came up with not much other than spider bypass
PM Ratty. Hes the residunt alarm eggspurt on ere. :D
Oh also post this in the disco section. you got a better chance of someone knowing whats up aswell. :D
I know that some will think whate a min are you trying to nick some discos ( yes I have a fetish for rust) but it happend yesterday when laining with others from here and again just before I got home.

I'll vouch for you gazdav ;)
When mine would not start due to an alarm fault we took out the green alarm box behind the glovebox, opened it up and found there was a lot of dust that had got wet while off roading.

After cleaning and drying it worked and has not caused any issues since.
what are the symptoms? what is it or isn't it doing?

Is it EDC? (not all auto's are).
Bloody hell thanks Ratty and Brian.

A combination of both worked its up and running again :praise::praise::praise:if I ever meet you both I owE you a pint or in rattys case a bag of chips
Bloody hell thanks Ratty and Brian.

A combination of both worked its up and running again :praise::praise::praise:if I ever meet you both I owE you a pint or in rattys case a bag of chips

Glad yer mobile again.;):)
Hello all,
I'm experiencing the same immobiliser issue. She's been sitting in a town centre car park since Friday afternoon. The doors wouldn't unlock with the fob so I unlocked with the engine key and she wouldn't start. I've taken the key fob in, changed battery, but still won't unlock car. I'm on day 4 Uber-ing, have a new fob due to arrive tomorrow, but then there's the coding issue. I also have my EKA code, tried using that on the door, but no luck. Please please help!!

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