Just sent a picture of your landy onto my old man.. I know he will be very jealous and incredibly he has the same first name and initials as you! Great thread!
I believe they are Blindo Wheels. Italian made, well the originals are anyway.


na hes so pleased he decided to **** us off over the hills and far away with his land rover....:D:D:D

Also correct

A few pictures from Malta:



A little surprise when I went out this morning, seems my Defender made friends overnight :D


Also got spotted by a member in Malta on Christmas day! Hopefully David chimes in. Small world :)
Wow, what a thread. Love what you've done so far and love the fact you're living the dream, closest I get is camping in the New Forest!
With the amount of overlanding your doing i would have stuck a guard or cover over the winch.. but so so jelous mate.
Appreciate all the kind words!

I'm in Pisa at the moment and actually on my way back to..... England :(

There were a few things that Nene didn't finish completely and I decided that the best thing is to just go back for a few days and let them sort it all out themselves instead of dealing with them shipping me things and finding another shop in a non english speaking country that doesn't specialize in Defenders.

I will get there next week, sort everything out and then I need to figure out my carnet and visa situation, then I'll head towards Morocco or potentially Algeria if I can get a visa quickly. :D

Tony, will you be heading to Romania?

Unfortunately not at the moment. I'm keen to go as it's one of only maybe five European countries I haven't set foot in, but it's time for me to head to Africa soon, so Romania has to wait a while..

With the amount of overlanding your doing i would have stuck a guard or cover over the winch.. but so so jelous mate.

Something to consider..
Sorry to hear about your early return, I was looking at hitting Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia sometime this year if feasible, will be following your reports..


No height limit posted at the entrance to the garage, seemed tight but not too bad. Got worse as I went down the ramp further, until the last horizontal brace in the ceiling touched the top of the cage. Then I had to back out up a really steep curved ramp in the dark. Could have been much worse considering. I'm sure this is the first of many dents to come though. Fortunately will be at Nene on Monday and they can hammer it out..

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