It's funny how people hide behind the word 'banter' if this guy had bought a defender or something that a small selection of people on this site think is a more credible landrover would behave been spoken to in the same way? It seems to me he came here looking for help, which he received in some ways, but was there any need for the F ing and blinding, telling him to burn his car etc etc? I feel a bit sad that the people who claim to be the most knowledgeable are also the most rude. Why spam someone's thread with insults when the guy has clearly made several posts stating he does not like it. It's a sad day for landrover zone when threads like this appear. This is a good forum but seriously what has been going on needs to stop. I know by saying this I'm leaving myself open for all sorts of abuse but I have always tried to be helpful on this forum. Seems to me a small majority spoil it for everyone.
WOT?Gucking hell gaylanders seem to fink everyones against em cos oftheir motors. No, post **** get grief. This turning into the LR equivilent of "is it cos i is black?"

My dear Mrs. Renger,

You come across as being nothing more than a hypocrite and an insensitive bully towards your husband.

This is a public forum and we all have the right to our own opinions, they may be worthless to you or to others but they are important to us, however, that is all they are, opinions. Yet you seem to assume you have the right to demand that we should understand, "get" and blindly accept your opinion.

You then ask "Why the hostility?"
You seem to have the opinion that is it ok for you to be hostile towards us. Isn't that double standards and hypocritical?

You go on to claim that we have no compassion and rant about a terminally ill child. If your allegedly terminally ill family member is nothing more than a figment of your imagination I doubt you know enough about any of us to justify the claim that we have no compassion. Nor do you display much in the way of compassion towards this aforementioned child by using him/her as a weapon to heap unjustified, disparaging remarks, carte blanche, upon members of this forum.

Then you state that "There is no way to ask or say anything on here" etc.
My experience has shown that most of the "inane" or "stupid" responses have been offered as "tongue in cheek" witticisms rather than personal attacks and the persons who tend to make these witticisms are the ones who know that someone with the correct information you seek will be along shortly to dispense his knowledge, in the meantime, the witticisms let you know that your post has been seen, read and is not being ignored. By adding witticisms these people are (deliberately or otherwise) helping to keep your post near the top of the index pages where it will be noticed much quicker by those who have the information you seek and are generous enough to offer it freely.

Here in the UK we are fortunate enough to live in a free country and we have the right to freedom of speech. Sadly, the way you come across by stating things like "I have told him to stay away" etc. makes it seem like Mr. Renger is incapable of making decisions for himself (or has had that right revoked by your good self) and is totally under your control, a sad state for any self-respecting person to find themselves in. As a free-thinking adult, I would find this a very stressful situation and when heaped upon my shoulders, especially if I had a vulnerable and seriously ill child to care for, it would drive me to the verge of instability or insanity.

Therefore madam, I would suggest, with all due respect to you, that you should try looking nearer home for the problems in your lives. Once you see these problems, if any actually exist, I would respectfully suggest you ask a professional body for help with them instead of venting your anger upon a generally helpful, well-meaning, cheerful and up-lifting community of people who frequent forums such as LZ.

Finally, Mrs. & Mr. Renger, if your situation is genuinely as you describe then my heart goes out to you and I thank mother nature that I do not find myself in such a horrifying set of circumstances as you do.

May your God go with you and your family.
****ing hell theres some long posts on here. Mrs and mr renger nut up a bit! Lifes ****, and your not the only ones suffering. That sed i wish you and any other LZer well.Less of the bitching n moaning tho.
This turning into the LR equivilent of "is it cos i is black?"

No, apparently according to the MET that is a totally seperate offence.:eek:
whats crazy unless your one of the unintelligent i was mentioning mr cowshed

The whole thread is going a little :crazy:.....

Everyone lighten up and chill :hippie:

We've all got our own **** to deal with.... Deal with it... move the f*ck on and stop bitching about how every calls me :( and i dont like it.... :hurt:

I log on to landy zone to ask questions, get some good advice and to call and be called a stopid bastid evey day..... and i likes it....:D
this kind of thread and the people that are joining lz these days are the reason I rarely post and tend to not talk to anyone except the people I know on ere.
If the OP is so worried by the jokey manner on LZ they could go to Viv's forum onelaugh hadit they would be in for a real shock!!!:cool:
Seriously can't be bothered to read all that crap....

Will someone just tell me if that Dude developed mental health issuses because he bought a gaylander, or was because his wife is a crazy nut job... ?? :D

Whatever the reason, my advice is be a man and "harden the **** up"

Here is a video [nomedia=""]YouTube - ‪Ronnie Johns - Chopper - Harden the **** Up‬‏[/nomedia]
How interesting. Seems this thread is very like the car that started it all.

Minor provocation and a gasket explodes all over the place! Seems like a disaster at the time, but turns out it's nothing that we haven't seen before, can't fix, and with a few modifications, can be made much less likely to recur!

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