Not sure I should point this out, but before anyone else does, those descriptions aren't mutually exclusive! :doh:

Well i was talking to Fanny but Ratty jumped right in there.....posssibly.

Well I woulda thought you woulda said 'tosser' if you wuz on about Fanny.:rolleyes:

clarification still hasn't been made as to whether I was told I was an idiot or asked if I was one. I think the jury is still out there.:p
It's funny how people hide behind the word 'banter' if this guy had bought a defender or something that a small selection of people on this site think is a more credible landrover would behave been spoken to in the same way? It seems to me he came here looking for help, which he received in some ways, but was there any need for the F ing and blinding, telling him to burn his car etc etc? I feel a bit sad that the people who claim to be the most knowledgeable are also the most rude. Why spam someone's thread with insults when the guy has clearly made several posts stating he does not like it. It's a sad day for landrover zone when threads like this appear. This is a good forum but seriously what has been going on needs to stop. I know by saying this I'm leaving myself open for all sorts of abuse but I have always tried to be helpful on this forum. Seems to me a small majority spoil it for everyone.

Nicely put. Thank you.
Nicely put. Thank you.

I have to disagree. It takes a 5 minute browse of the various threads to see that this forum is slightly :)eek:) different to others.

I posted very early on one of the threads the OP's wife is commenting on. Whilst I sympathise with their situation I fear that LZ is not where they need to be seeking help, they are obviously both in crisis and channelling their frustrations and fears away from their domestic situation and focusing on their Freelander. This may seem odd but its actually understandable.

People do get carried away when emotions run high, I hope they get the help they obviously need and return to the forum with more positive news at a later time.
It's funny how people hide behind the word 'banter' if this guy had bought a defender or something that a small selection of people on this site think is a more credible landrover would behave been spoken to in the same way? YES AND NO. Yes he woulda had the **** taken outta him but more than likely about having rubbish tyres, It being red and not going up hills, It being a pimp mobile etc etc. It seems to me he came here looking for help, which he received in some ways, but was there any need for the F ing and blinding, telling him to burn his car etc etc? YES AND NO. Burn it is the standard response to the good old...... 'Help my freelander is.........' The doors will fall off is the standard reply to 'how deep can I take my freelander'. Similar sayings are attributed to defenders, disco's and rangies. I feel a bit sad that the people who claim to be the most knowledgeable are also the most rude. Why spam someone's thread with insults when the guy has clearly made several posts stating he does not like it. The forum comes as a package. A bit like buying a car. You buy into the whole car. Not just the wheels cos they look good but the whole car. It's a sad day for landrover zone when threads like this appear. This is a good forum but seriously what has been going on needs to stop. The day it does will be the day that you are moaning cos the help you need isn't here I know by saying this I'm leaving myself open for all sorts of abuse but I have always tried to be helpful on this forum. Seems to me a small majority spoil it for everyone. This has been said time and time again. If you want a forum that's a geeks paradise, full of anoraks with no sense of humour, answers to questions given three months down the line, go elsewhere. If you want a laugh and joke, an answer usually within an hour of posting a question and are prepared to take the rough with the smooth then stay here.

answers in red.
there is a very thin line between banter and abuse. Maybe its like racial or sexual abuse - its more to do with how the receiver sees it than the person(s) dishing it out. How many bullies hide behind "cant you take a joke"?
there is a very thin line between banter and abuse. Maybe its like racial or sexual abuse - its more to do with how the receiver sees it than the person(s) dishing it out. How many bullies hide behind "cant you take a joke"?

Idiot, Oh wait thats Ratty innit:boink:
It's funny how people hide behind the word 'banter' if this guy had bought a defender or something that a small selection of people on this site think is a more credible landrover would behave been spoken to in the same way? It seems to me he came here looking for help, which he received in some ways, but was there any need for the F ing and blinding, telling him to burn his car etc etc? I feel a bit sad that the people who claim to be the most knowledgeable are also the most rude. Why spam someone's thread with insults when the guy has clearly made several posts stating he does not like it. It's a sad day for landrover zone when threads like this appear. This is a good forum but seriously what has been going on needs to stop. I know by saying this I'm leaving myself open for all sorts of abuse but I have always tried to be helpful on this forum. Seems to me a small majority spoil it for everyone.

simple if you dont like it dont log in. When i'm not in the mood for speaking to people I DONT log in. Easy if you think about it ?

i like this site but some times there is a childish pack bullying mentality which follows after as if trying to prove whos side there on ,it that i find that most disturbing for grown men /women,an argument including strong language between two is fine or more if robust constructive or firmly held beliefs,

This is the way that LZ has always been. I certainly wont change because someone with a sense of humour failure doesnt like it.
i not really bothered about changing it .strong banter is good ,but some childish abuse and im not talking about the main adversaries in the discussion where there is often some intelligence within the agument others throw in just insults makes you wonder how far they have developed as adults,you end up feeling embarassed for them. i know nothing will change that ,and dosent effect me ,i like the fact we can tell each other to f..k off,its the unintelligent camp followers that make me cringe
i not really bothered about changing it .strong banter is good ,but some childish abuse and im not talking about the main adversaries in the discussion where there is often some intelligence within the agument others throw in just insults makes you wonder how far they have developed as adults,you end up feeling embarassed for them. i know nothing will change that ,and dosent effect me ,i like the fact we can tell each other to f..k off,its the unintelligent camp followers that make me cringe


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