
New Member
As part of the ever lengthening list of jobs that need doing the next is to replace all the hub bearings and seals on my SIII 88" (all four are leaking now :mad: ). All the parts are on their way from Paddocks and I should have them sometime in the next week.

So in preperation has anyone got any top tips before I start smashing away armed with Haynes and Workshop Manuals. Preferably ones relating to changing the hub seals and bearings.
get new lock washers for the hub nuts , you know them big fookers that most people use a hammer and screw driver to get off. I have heard that someone has invented a tool for undoing the hub nuts that doesn't involve beating the **** out of yer nuts.
as fer getting yer bearings oot a guid clout on each side with said big screwdriver and a sheffield should do the trick. when yer installing the new ones ensure that they are going in straight and not 'on the cock' (no gaylander jokes ,please)
Cheers guys. I've ordered complete sets for all four hubs. The good news is that at least at the moment I know that there is oil in the axles and that the bearings are being lubricated.
now it's likely I'm talking out of my arse but if the hub seal is leaking then won't the oil be thrown into the bearing as the hub spins?
better put some toilet paper on yer tooth brush, if yer hub seal is leaking it will throw the oil over the brakes
Yeah I know, I was trying to be sarcastic about the bearings. To be fair I think it's more of a slow seepage on two of the hubs. She's been on a roller brake tester in the last two weeks (passed with no probs) and I've had the drums off and there is no oil contamination and there is nothing visible on the inside of the road wheel. However I have got a summer trip to the South of Europe planned in a couple of months so I'm just getting the old girl ready. Well that and it gives me a good excuse to spend a day in the garage.

Burning bushes out = good fun - no real danger
Driving with oil inside brake drums = good fun if you enjoy slow painfull steering column through chest death

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