Interesting thread. As a new member to the forum, I've already come across the "cult of secrecy" re lane locations, which I find sad but perhaps understandable considering the idiots out there.

I was out the other week for a Sunday drive in the hills around Llan, and came across a couple of idiots on trail bikes tearing up the mountain side. Its a known problem up there and although the police do visit the area periodically, they are not very effective.

The thing is, there are several lanes in the area where it would be legal for these guys to go..Other areas seem to sign post such lanes, but I've never seen such signing around Llan, apart from the old "Unsuitable for Motors"..

I don't do much laning, partly because its so hard to determine what is currently legal to drive and what is not..

I don't particularly want to spend a week preparing for an "expedition", but rather pick up a map, or maybe access a web site, and then go for a drive..

If the lane is too severe for my vehicle, then its up to me to use common sense and try somewhere else..For me, laning is not about testing the limits of my vehicle, but just getting out and seeing somewhere new and doing a little exploring..

Sorry if this approach is not "hard core" enough for some here, or I don't show enough "dedication", but not everybody has the same out look on life..

I think you are totally missing the point.

The folks on this forum share and help each other. You just joined and moaned when you didn't get what you wanted.

Have your joined LZIR, picked up a part for someone etc etc. I doubt it.

I might not be much use, but I do offer to help and join in. Perhaps if you tried that, folks would react differently to you.
I think you are totally missing the point.

The folks on this forum share and help each other. You just joined and moaned when you didn't get what you wanted.

Have your joined LZIR, picked up a part for someone etc etc. I doubt it.

I might not be much use, but I do offer to help and join in. Perhaps if you tried that, folks would react differently to you.

Not moaning at all Sue, just never considered that the location of public roads needed to be kept "secret"...

As I said, I can understand why given there are idiots about it just makes life a little more difficult for other more responsible people.

There are dozens of tracks and lanes around here I could drive (and that are driven I am sure) but I won't do it without knowing if they are legal or not..As I am driving a stock Jimny at the moment, thats sort of self limiting as to how severe conditions I will tackle and that in turn limits the damage I can cause..

I came on the forum looking for advice about Landy ownership as I am considering one for my next vehicle, but I am happy to help others in any way I can..


I came on the forum looking for advice about Landy ownership as I am considering one for my next vehicle, but I am happy to help others in any way I can..



When you have one I am sure the local folk will be happy to let you join them on trips :D
Not moaning at all Sue, just never considered that the location of public roads needed to be kept "secret"...

As I said, I can understand why given there are idiots about it just makes life a little more difficult for other more responsible people.

There are dozens of tracks and lanes around here I could drive (and that are driven I am sure) but I won't do it without knowing if they are legal or not..As I am driving a stock Jimny at the moment, thats sort of self limiting as to how severe conditions I will tackle and that in turn limits the damage I can cause..

I came on the forum looking for advice about Landy ownership as I am considering one for my next vehicle, but I am happy to help others in any way I can..


and your going about it in the right way..all you need to do now is get rid of the slitty and buy a landy :rulez:
Interesting thread. As a new member to the forum, I've already come across the "cult of secrecy" re lane locations, which I find sad but perhaps understandable considering the idiots out there.

I was out the other week for a Sunday drive in the hills around Llan, and came across a couple of idiots on trail bikes tearing up the mountain side. Its a known problem up there and although the police do visit the area periodically, they are not very effective.

The thing is, there are several lanes in the area where it would be legal for these guys to go..Other areas seem to sign post such lanes, but I've never seen such signing around Llan, apart from the old "Unsuitable for Motors"..

I don't do much laning, partly because its so hard to determine what is currently legal to drive and what is not..

I don't particularly want to spend a week preparing for an "expedition", but rather pick up a map, or maybe access a web site, and then go for a drive..

If the lane is too severe for my vehicle, then its up to me to use common sense and try somewhere else..For me, laning is not about testing the limits of my vehicle, but just getting out and seeing somewhere new and doing a little exploring..

Sorry if this approach is not "hard core" enough for some here, or I don't show enough "dedication", but not everybody has the same out look on life..

Pete if you'd have read the post properly then you'd realise that your first paragraph is complete rubbish, you came on here mucg the same as everyone else does and asked for lane locations, i politely told you why that probably wasnt going to happen.

The title of the thread is: "how to find green lanes" :rolleyes:

It shows you how to find lanes and what to do to find out if it is legal for you to drive them.

Tell me how that is being "secretive" The locations and lanes are available to anyone with a map.

The point you make about trail bikes is exactly the reason people wont post locations of lanes on a public forum(again i mentioned this to you when you asked for locations on the other thread)

The best bit: I don't do much laning, partly because its so hard to determine what is currently legal to drive and what is not..

I don't particularly want to spend a week preparing for an "expedition", but rather pick up a map, or maybe access a web site, and then go for a drive..

So you dont want to do the leg work finding out lane information but its ok for me to do it for you? Why should i buy OS maps and spend hours looking through them, calling the council and the ROW teams just so you can have a jolly in the countryside? Thats just laziness.

Im not really sure about your "hardcore" point but again, if you dont put in the effort you wont get any reward will you?

On the flip side if your not that bothered about it then it isnt a problem for you.
Not expecting anyone to do any leg work for me at all, just share a bit of knowledge they may already have.

That said, you've explained why folks are reluctant to share that, and as I explained, its not something I'd considered before..

Anyway, I certainly didn't come on here to argue with folks, and sorry if my out look is a little different to the more "hard core" here and by that I mean dedicated/old hand/enthusiast ect nothing insulting.

Anyway, have a good day..I'm off to move a bit of fly tipping and see if the rest of that lane is drivable..
Not expecting anyone to do any leg work for me at all, just share a bit of knowledge they may already have.

That said, you've explained why folks are reluctant to share that, and as I explained, its not something I'd considered before..

Anyway, I certainly didn't come on here to argue with folks, and sorry if my out look is a little different to the more "hard core" here and by that I mean dedicated/old hand/enthusiast ect nothing insulting.

Anyway, have a good day..I'm off to move a bit of fly tipping and see if the rest of that lane is drivable..


Maybe i understood your post but it sounded like you didnt want to get too involved with the hard work but wanted to enjoy the rewards.

Im not looking for an argument but sometimes we get new members who just want to go "hooning" around the countryside and damn the rest of us if the lanes get closed. Its a very delicate situation we are in and there are some of us who are very passionate about it.

I wasnt intending to offend, just a little education. :eek:


Im not looking for an argument but sometimes we get new members who just want to go "hooning" around the countryside and damn the rest of us if the lanes get closed. Its a very delicate situation we are in and there are some of us who are very passionate about it.


No offence own passion is shooting (deer stalking) so I can appreciate what your saying entirely as in either dicipline, its the minority of idiots that can potentially spoil things for the rest of us..


No offence own passion is shooting (deer stalking) so I can appreciate what your saying entirely as in either dicipline, its the minority of idiots that can potentially spoil things for the rest of us..



For someone who isn't "hardcore" you are spending a lot of time in here :D:D:D

Go on admit it, your hooked :p
For someone who isn't "hardcore" you are spending a lot of time in here :D:D:D

Go on admit it, your hooked :p

LOL! Nah, sitting on the Net is the easy bit.."Hard Core" refers to the folks who do it in the real world! :p

To be honest its nice to find a bunch of knoweldgeble folks and also to read about stuff thats local to me ie the lanes around Llan / Corwen ect.

What I am hoping is that when the time comes to spend my hard earned cash, I've gleaned enough knowledge so that I won't end up buying a lemon like I did with my last Trooper..:Cry:
LOL! Nah, sitting on the Net is the easy bit.."Hard Core" refers to the folks who do it in the real world! :p

To be honest its nice to find a bunch of knoweldgeble folks and also to read about stuff thats local to me ie the lanes around Llan / Corwen ect.

What I am hoping is that when the time comes to spend my hard earned cash, I've gleaned enough knowledge so that I won't end up buying a lemon like I did with my last Trooper..:Cry:

You will find this forum is not just a landrover forum full of people, there is a real community and alot of us meet up whenever we can.

If you ask in the general section for some help on what to look for in a motor im sure someone local would show you round there vehicle and give you some pointers. ;) :)
lol...WOW the arrogance of some of you is unreal! I didnt realize there needed to be so much bureaucracy in planning to go off road. Dont get me wrong you you shouldn't be ridding on land that your not permitted to uses but jeez. Also there public roads not some groups and if someone wants to make it easier to locate them then thank you. If you think 33" tires can mess a road up then you have never really been off roading. Im not exactly seing to many full size trucks with 454s and tractor tires around here so I think the rods will survive. Ive been on trails in 10+ countries and never heard of this craziness. Bottom line its it's suppose to be enjoyable getting the kids out the house and in some nature. For you guys that are having a good time message me if you need tug. Bury St Edmund area.
lol...WOW the arrogance of some of you is unreal! I didnt realize there needed to be so much bureaucracy in planning to go off road. Dont get me wrong you you shouldn't be ridding on land that your not permitted to uses but jeez. Also there public roads not some groups and if someone wants to make it easier to locate them then thank you. If you think 33" tires can mess a road up then you have never really been off roading. Im not exactly seing to many full size trucks with 454s and tractor tires around here so I think the rods will survive. Ive been on trails in 10+ countries and never heard of this craziness. Bottom line its it's suppose to be enjoyable getting the kids out the house and in some nature. For you guys that are having a good time message me if you need tug. Bury St Edmund area.

lol...WOW the arrogance of some of you is unreal! I didnt realize there needed to be so much bureaucracy in planning to go off road. Dont get me wrong you you shouldn't be ridding on land that your not permitted to uses but jeez. Also there public roads not some groups and if someone wants to make it easier to locate them then thank you. If you think 33" tires can mess a road up then you have never really been off roading. Im not exactly seing to many full size trucks with 454s and tractor tires around here so I think the rods will survive. Ive been on trails in 10+ countries and never heard of this craziness. Bottom line its it's suppose to be enjoyable getting the kids out the house and in some nature. For you guys that are having a good time message me if you need tug. Bury St Edmund area.

Boring :yawn::yawn::yawn:

Its all been said before my friend. Come back when you have an argument or want to have an adult discussion.

lol...WOW the arrogance of some of you is unreal! I didnt realize there needed to be so much bureaucracy in planning to go off road. Dont get me wrong you you shouldn't be ridding on land that your not permitted to uses but jeez. Also there public roads not some groups and if someone wants to make it easier to locate them then thank you. If you think 33" tires can mess a road up then you have never really been off roading. Im not exactly seing to many full size trucks with 454s and tractor tires around here so I think the rods will survive. Ive been on trails in 10+ countries and never heard of this craziness. Bottom line its it's suppose to be enjoyable getting the kids out the house and in some nature. For you guys that are having a good time message me if you need tug. Bury St Edmund area.

How is showing people how to find lanes and how to find their legality NOT helping?

Bloody arrogance ..
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