Isnt this Funny ive come on loads of times to ask for advice / opinion on things and got maybe 1 responce in a week this one hit 6 pages in a day and it all started coz my speedo is out. obviously some people on here just love to take the micheal and dont have serious or reasoned opinions and just like taking the pizz, oh well easy when your sat in your bedroom at mums house i suppose.
Sat in yer bed room in yer maa's hoose!!!!!!! wtf ye on aboot?? most a the peeps on Landyzone av got barins an grand bairns, ffs,,, And as fir the topic if ye post summat, It's Up Fir Discusion,, :rolleyes: An ye shuld no that speedin is a sore subject on the roads, unless its absolutely nesesery!!!
(which a meen life or death sinario)...
i sence a discussion is leading into an argument here? just lock the thread and have done, saves any falling out.
innit, some things are just best left, its ok having different views but when it gets nasty best just to walk away. (sensible head on this evening, not common)!!
i myself have a few high speed cars and do use them on track days etc where its safe, but must admit i do drive a bit quick on the roads at time.
i also tuned my 200 and do brag about the speed and power but its mainly to wind the v8 lads up! ;)
dont i know it raz haha. makes me laugh all the arguin an the scouser is the one sayin walk away, very rare thing that lol
Just wanna know who you're gonna ream while you're all cossied up. Does it have flowers on it or stripes????
Just to add my bit:

I've being in a smash involving a Disco which was only doing 20mph at the time, and it totally destroyed the other car a VW Polo...I shudder to imagine how much damage a 2-ton Disco doing 100mph or over would do to a another vehicle or person, some people should simply not be let loose on the roads.

With plonkers like this on the roads it wont just be just bullbars that G.Brown & his europrats will ban....I personally dont wanna be driving a jap matchbox any time soon.
Hey guys seems this thread has got outta control! I agree that driving a disco too fast is not sensible but at the same time there's no need to get personal!!!!!:) One of the nice things about this forum is that most of the time people are nice to one and annother and offer helpfull advice!

Going back to the orignal thread: What s supposed to be the top speed of a V8I disco on an auto box. I have only gone up as high as 95 on the odo. (i assume thats about 85mph) I should point out that that was at 4am on an empty motorway inthe north west of the country!

Any ideas?
Hey guys seems this thread has got outta control! I agree that driving a disco too fast is not sensible but at the same time there's no need to get personal!!!!!:) One of the nice things about this forum is that most of the time people are nice to one and annother and offer helpfull advice!

Going back to the orignal thread: What s supposed to be the top speed of a V8I disco on an auto box. I have only gone up as high as 95 on the odo. (i assume thats about 85mph) I should point out that that was at 4am on an empty motorway inthe north west of the country!

Any ideas?
Round & Round & Round we go where will it stop,,,,nobody knows....:eek:
Why not just look in yer oweners manual...
i sence a discussion is leading into an argument here? just lock the thread and have done, saves any falling out.

Feck that! Freds rarely get locked here, they run their course. One of the best things about this forum is that it isn't some ****y nanny state that's overly moderated. Sometimes things go wrong, but rarely.

FFS, dun't try & change LZ. The majority, the people who stick around, join in & don't take a bit of **** taking to heart like it just the way it is.

There's plenty of ****y "regards Nigel" type forums around. If you don't like this one vote with your feet. LZ won't turn into a ghost town because of it.

By the way Raz, the bulk of this post isn't directed at you, it's a general response to the way this fred's going. ;)
well....i got a dont go fast, but sounds like it does.....thats good enough for me....
Yeah but how fast will my V8 S2 go? I tried down our street but the speed bumps got in the way a bit. Then me mum called me in for bedtime.I reckon it'll do 120 with a bit of tweaking eh?
i would try but my mum has me on walking reins and they are tied to the gate so i cant get in it to try.....

got ta go, postman pat is on, and weve got jelly and ice cream for afters!!!

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