right just to throw something in the mix. my old man has got a 2001 td5 110 defender has has spend four grand on performance etc and that will do 115mph and still pulling it has got a gkn overdrive which helps
Wots the mpg like???!!!
i thought speedos were shockinly small trunks old people wore:confused: :confused:
A used tae av a white pair that went practicaly transparent,,,:eek: :eek:
(that got a few gasp's whilst on holls in froggy land) :p :p

ps sorry, ((odemeter)) duno bout the spellin though....
right just to throw something in the mix. my old man has got a 2001 td5 110 defender has has spend four grand on performance etc and that will do 115mph and still pulling it has got a gkn overdrive which helps

tell yer dad that sean says he's a dangerous numpty **** knob and the sooner he gets caught and banned the better

peeps done fer speeding should be shown pictures showing the aftermath of cars going out of control

unless he did it on a private testing track (details please) in which case i will retract me numpty **** knob comment
tell yer dad that sean says he's a dangerous numpty **** knob and the sooner he gets caught and banned the better

peeps done fer speeding should be shown pictures showing the aftermath of cars going out of control

unless he did it on a private testing track (details please) in which case i will retract me numpty **** knob comment

its no fun if you do it on a track and i was driving it and he was not with me you numpy **** knob
its no fun if you do it on a track and i was driving it and he was not with me you numpy **** knob

have you ever seen a 8 year old kid whos been squashed between a brick wall and a car that had lost control due to excessive speed ?
oh i retract my comments made about yer dad

it's now clear its you who is the numpty **** ignorant knob who has no regard for the safety of others
Isnt this Funny ive come on loads of times to ask for advice / opinion on things and got maybe 1 responce in a week this one hit 6 pages in a day and it all started coz my speedo is out. obviously some people on here just love to take the micheal and dont have serious or reasoned opinions and just like taking the pizz, oh well easy when your sat in your bedroom at mums house i suppose.
Isnt this Funny ive come on loads of times to ask for advice / opinion on things and got maybe 1 responce in a week this one hit 6 pages in a day and it all started coz my speedo is out. obviously some people on here just love to take the micheal and dont have serious or reasoned opinions and just like taking the pizz, oh well easy when your sat in your bedroom at mums house i suppose.

My missuses mums house actually :D
anythin above 56mph feels fast to me these days .... cant go faster see ... unless i'm goin down windy hill loaded .... weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee...
I'm with you there I rarely go much over 50. I'll go just over 60 on a motorway though to stop the lorries going past which would be irritating for them and me. My attitude is that if anybody has a problem with how slow/fast I'm going, those fools can kiss my ass.
OH fook orf yer daft **** At 44 i'm abit old to be living at me mums house. Not that the cantankerous old bastid wud have me there anyway. I've kept out of this thread pretty much. But when you start sprouting ****e like that. yur asking for a touch of verbal.

If you want to mod a car to make it go faster then by all means do so. but keep it on the fooking track where it belongs. I've seen a std disco roll going round a roundabout a tad too fast, and he wasn't doing anywhere near 115mph. At high speeds Disco's are fooking useless they bounce all over the place and rattle like fook. The brakes aren't up to the effort required to stop one in a safe distance at 65 never fooking mind 115mph. And incase you think I'm some fuddy duddy tortoise crawling round the the country moaning about people's speed.

I once drove an 84 Golf GTI from Blaenau Ffestiniog (North Wales) to Hull 203miles in 2hrs 24min. that works out at an average speed of 86.6mph. It was done in the early early hours of a sunday morning on almost deserted roads and i was on my own in the golf. But I didn't post it on a forum going look at me aren't I fooking flash.. In case yoo hadn't noticed this int a cossie forum and peeps don't give a **** how fast you can go. if yer want yer ego stroking fook off somewhere else.

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