why is it when ever a thread gets a bit emotive (usually due to the thread starter being a cock)that people want it LOCKED!!???

dont go fast in a landy.thats my rule.
Feck that! Freds rarely get locked here, they run their course. One of the best things about this forum is that it isn't some ****y nanny state that's overly moderated. Sometimes things go wrong, but rarely.

FFS, dun't try & change LZ. The majority, the people who stick around, join in & don't take a bit of **** taking to heart like it just the way it is.

There's plenty of ****y "regards Nigel" type forums around. If you don't like this one vote with your feet. LZ won't turn into a ghost town because of it.

By the way Raz, the bulk of this post isn't directed at you, it's a general response to the way this fred's going. ;)

i know it aint aimed at me,best feckin not be!:p was trying to save some ripping sessions from other members but like yer say lets not change LZ :D

if its ripping sessions then this....

"just to add my bit" by DEWIN, thats a 2 bobs worth c**t if ever i seen one :rolleyes:

over and out :p
Keep speed testing old Discos and you will soon end up testing ambulances and hearses next, these are a lot slower and then you end up in a very cold, damp still place.................for a long time. Why don't you get a RR Sport if you want speed?
if its ripping sessions then this....

"just to add my bit" by DEWIN, thats a 2 bobs worth c**t if ever i seen one :rolleyes:

over and out :p

WTF aint I allowed to express an opinion from personal experience?? and I aint a c**t cos I got no centre parting:p
Isnt this Funny ive come on loads of times to ask for advice / opinion on things and got maybe 1 responce in a week this one hit 6 pages in a day and it all started coz my speedo is out. obviously some people on here just love to take the micheal and dont have serious or reasoned opinions and just like taking the pizz, oh well easy when your sat in your bedroom at mums house i suppose.

Life is like that the pish has to be ripped and we all take the rough with the smooth.
What a boring life if we were all the fookin same.
OH fook orf yer daft **** At 44 i'm abit old to be living at me mums house. Not that the cantankerous old bastid wud have me there anyway. I've kept out of this thread pretty much. But when you start sprouting ****e like that. yur asking for a touch of verbal.

If you want to mod a car to make it go faster then by all means do so. but keep it on the fooking track where it belongs. I've seen a std disco roll going round a roundabout a tad too fast, and he wasn't doing anywhere near 115mph. At high speeds Disco's are fooking useless they bounce all over the place and rattle like fook. The brakes aren't up to the effort required to stop one in a safe distance at 65 never fooking mind 115mph. And incase you think I'm some fuddy duddy tortoise crawling round the the country moaning about people's speed.

I once drove an 84 Golf GTI from Blaenau Ffestiniog (North Wales) to Hull 203miles in 2hrs 24min. that works out at an average speed of 86.6mph. It was done in the early early hours of a sunday morning on almost deserted roads and i was on my own in the golf. But I didn't post it on a forum going look at me aren't I fooking flash.. In case yoo hadn't noticed this int a cossie forum and peeps don't give a **** how fast you can go. if yer want yer ego stroking fook off somewhere else.
I was just asking a Question it was in the title and got slated immediatly so went on the defencsive , now i have been away a while and just got back, ive driven steadily and as a rule dont speed anywhere in an attempt to clear my (as the starter of the topics name) i'm actually an Ambulanceman Training to be a paramedic so obviously see many tragic and totally speed related accidents i also see many more from fights down the town and household abuse. My TEST was done on the 404 and at a time when there was next to no traffic, also it wasnt far and at the price of fuel i cant afford it on NHS wages, as a proffesional,advanced driver i of course do not condone speeding in fact i just put this thread up as a Question as to what these things do i'm happy to pootle on and save juice. I was certainly not looking for an ego boost, read the initial posting again to see that it WAS A Q!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! now off to go on nights.:mad: Andy
I'm still a bit worried that i'm going to get reamed by someone in a swimming cossie.

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