I have a friend who obeys the speed limit to a t and he is a very careful driver. He has been driving as long as me where as i often exceed the limit, yet he has had 4 crashes in 18 years and i have had none. .

What you need to remember is that your mate might have had more crashes, but bet your bottom dollar when you have one you'll do much more damage in that one crash than he will ever do driving at the limit!
i have experience of treating innocent children who have been hit by cars at 40mph, 30mph and i wouldnt be explaining why i couldnt save the child in coroners court!
Oh well you missed the point entirely...never mind. I knew i was onto a losing battle. Just let me tell you this i have 3 children and i would never put them at risk i also cherish my cars to the point that in tesco's i park miles away in case some stupid sod like yourself hits their trolley or opens their car door against mine. So do you really think i would risk damaging my children or my cars by driving faster than the average person. But then again i do drive fast but only when i know it is safe to do so. No claims in 18 years of driving speaks for itself.

I feel so sorry for cossiedreamer that you lot had a massive go at him, he is probably a much safer driver than the procrastinating idiots on here are.

i'd rather be a procrastinating idiot than a numpty speeder who kills

when your out speeding next why not pause and think about other peoples kids and the affect it would have on their family when you loose it and splatter them acros your shiny scratch free bonnet
Oh well you missed the point entirely...never mind. I knew i was onto a losing battle. Just let me tell you this i have 3 children and i would never put them at risk i also cherish my cars to the point that in tesco's i park miles away in case some stupid sod like yourself hits their trolley or opens their car door against mine. So do you really think i would risk damaging my children or my cars by driving faster than the average person. But then again i do drive fast but only when i know it is safe to do so. No claims in 18 years of driving speaks for itself.

I feel so sorry for cossiedreamer that you lot had a massive go at him, he is probably a much safer driver than the procrastinating idiots on here are.

you might not feel you put your children at risk, but the speeding driver that comes down the rd at 40mph instead of 30mph when your childs crossing the road after school could be the "minor speeding" that makes you loose a child FOREVER
Oh well you missed the point entirely...never mind. I knew i was onto a losing battle. Just let me tell you this i have 3 children and i would never put them at risk i also cherish my cars to the point that in tesco's i park miles away in case some stupid sod like yourself hits their trolley or opens their car door against mine. So do you really think i would risk damaging my children or my cars by driving faster than the average person. But then again i do drive fast but only when i know it is safe to do so. No claims in 18 years of driving speaks for itself.

I feel so sorry for cossiedreamer that you lot had a massive go at him, he is probably a much safer driver than the procrastinating idiots on here are.


i deal with speeding drivers every day in my line of work, and trust me there is no excuse for breaking the law when driving, be it drinking, speeding, whatever, people die because of it. driving at the limits wont stop accidents happening, but it would save alot of lives,

"driving fast when its safe to do so" get real, roads and the glass, oil and other hazards that cause blow outs on tyres never ever make it safe to speed!
This guy probably thought 35 to 45 wasn't that fast but it robbed 3 children of a mother. and an husband of his wife. Fury as speeding policeman who killed a mother-of-three is cleared of dangerous driving | Mail Online And the bastid got away with it. fooking coppers bent as fook the lot of them.

give some of us some respect here fella, i'm not a bent police worker and i would love to take away the licences of anyone who speeds,
i've had a 5 yr old die in my arms because of a tosser doing 40 in a 30!!!
i deal with speeding drivers every day in my line of work, and trust me there is no excuse for breaking the law when driving, be it drinking, speeding, whatever, people die because of it. driving at the limits wont stop accidents happening, but it would save alot of lives,

"driving fast when its safe to do so" get real, roads and the glass, oil and other hazards that cause blow outs on tyres never ever make it safe to speed!

Cars are dangerous machines at any speed we should all travel on pushbikes!!! What makes me laugh is that there is 3 villages along the same stretch of road near me that have speed limit's of 30,40 and 50MPH .To make any area where there could be children safe, i believe there should be a speed limit of 20MPH max but there is'nt is there?

I would never ever exceed the limit in a built up area i am talking about motorways, dual carriageways some remote A roads where exceeding the limit by a small margin is not dangerous and is sometimes necessary while overtaking.

Cossiedreamer was not driving at 115MPH past a school or in a built up area was he? and his speedo was out, he was probably doing 95MPH at most. Why dont you lot get off your high horse and stop taking things to the extreme's! Its the stupid cow doing 40mph in a 40mph limit who kills somebody because she is doing her make up in the mirror not somebody doing 80MPH on a remote A road(60mph limit) in the middle of the night!!!!!!!
Well as long as we get coonts like him killing people and getting away with it scott free it's going to get the lot of you tarred with the same brush. I don't think I've ever heard of a serving policeman who has been convisted and given a proper sentence after they have caused someone's death. Either on or off duty. I still don't understand why occupations should even be mentioned in court at all. Unless it has a specific bearing on the outcome of the trial.
Well as long as we get coonts like him killing people and getting away with it scott free it's going to get the lot of you tarred with the same brush. I don't think I've ever heard of a serving policeman who has been convisted and given a proper sentence after they have caused someone's death. Either on or off duty. I still don't understand why occupations should even be mentioned in court at all. Unless it has a specific bearing on the outcome of the trial.

Policemen do have to exceed the speed limit on occasion because other people's live's depend on it. Considering the amount of policeman who drive fast the amount who do have an accident is very very low.

Why dont you stop swearing because it makes you come across as a complete idiot.
Cars are dangerous machines at any speed we should all travel on pushbikes!!! What makes me laugh is that there is 3 villages along the same stretch of road near me that have speed limit's of 30,40 and 50MPH .To make any area where there could be children safe, i believe there should be a speed limit of 20MPH max but there is'nt is there?

I would never ever exceed the limit in a built up area i am talking about motorways, dual carriageways some remote A roads where exceeding the limit by a small margin is not dangerous and is sometimes necessary while overtaking.

Cossiedreamer was not driving at 115MPH past a school or in a built up area was he? and his speedo was out, he was probably doing 95MPH at most. Why dont you lot get off your high horse and stop taking things to the extreme's! Its the stupid cow doing 40mph in a 40mph limit who kills somebody because she is doing her make up in the mirror not somebody doing 80MPH on a remote A road(60mph limit) in the middle of the night!!!!!!!

i have no objections to what your saying about the stupid cow doing her make up, because thats what the majority of accidents are caused by,
i've seen some horrible stuff that could have ended happier without the use of excessive speed. thats all i'm trying to say, that i've been there and seen that, the problem is that that that person doing 80mph on a remote road (we've all done itt) may not think their causing a danger but when they go round that corner and slip on the patch of diesel that came out of a lorry or landy accidently and go into another car or a house or something else, thats when things get bad, i'm talking from experiance of this. there is a reason speed limits are in place, there not all perfect but they are there for a reason!
i'm not saying they are the be all and end all of accidents but the extra 10mph has a significant difference to the outcome!
Well as long as we get coonts like him killing people and getting away with it scott free it's going to get the lot of you tarred with the same brush. I don't think I've ever heard of a serving policeman who has been convisted and given a proper sentence after they have caused someone's death. Either on or off duty. I still don't understand why occupations should even be mentioned in court at all. Unless it has a specific bearing on the outcome of the trial.

i completely agree with you, it should have no difference at all and without any hesitation they should loose thier job,
i cant believe the outcome of that ct case, its awful, he should have been banged up and got a life ban! i can see why u have the opunion you do, but there are some good guys in the job!
Its the stupid cow doing 40mph in a 40mph limit who kills somebody because she is doing her make up in the mirror not somebody doing 80MPH on a remote A road(60mph limit) in the middle of the night!!!!!!!

Tell that to the mothers of the 2 girls who's injuries were so bad that they weren't allowed to identify them and they had to be buried in closed caskets or the driver who stopped at the scene and was so traumatised by what he saw He has never driven since. The girls shoes were on the pavement. They had been knocked out of them by the force of the impact and one of the girls was 12feet off the ground in the branches of a tree. The driver was 35 and driving an impreza he was believed to be racing a second car that was probably a mitisubishi evo or similar. he lost it on a slight corner at 105mph it was about 9:30pm on the A46 halfway between 2 small villages. Thinking it can never happen to you just makes it more likely that it will.
Tell that to the mothers of the 2 girls who's injuries were so bad that they weren't allowed to identify them and they had to be buried in closed caskets or the driver who stopped at the scene and was so traumatised by what he saw He has never driven since. The girls shoes were on the pavement. They had been knocked out of them by the force of the impact and one of the girls was 12feet off the ground in the branches of a tree. The driver was 35 and driving an impreza he was believed to be racing a second car that was probably a mitisubishi evo or similar. he lost it on a slight corner at 105mph it was about 9:30pm on the A46 halfway between 2 small villages. Thinking it can never happen to you just makes it more likely that it will.

hear hear! i'm not wanting to argue with people, just offer my experiances to hope they might think about what the end result could be and take care, driving at 80/90/200mph is not taking care and if i was on the beat and caught you there'd be no, ok i'll let u off this time as its a quiet night, you'd get tickets and a ban if i could help it.
I do agree with you, but my whole point several posts ago was that speed limit's were created several decades ago when cars were far more dangerous e.g any car with drum brakes all round should not be allowed to go over 50mph IMO. I own a morris minor and learnt to drive and passed my test in it but comparing it to my 540i its a much more dangerous vehicle at the same speed.

I did say in an earlier post that taking modern cars into account we should raise the speed limit on certain dual carriageway's and motorway's. I would not go to the extent of having no limit's, like on the german autobhan's though.

On another note unless my cars are in 100% condition i wont drive them but there is people out there who drive complete heaps with mots's who can go under the radar and cause accidents. If i had my way MOT's would be every 6months and driver's would have to take a full re-test every 5 years plus an advanced driving test and a skidpan course. I would also ban the use of hands free mobile phone's from cars and even cars stereo's can cause a distraction.

Unfortunately my comments on earlier post's may have been taken the wrong way and i do apologise to anyone who might have taken offence.
I do agree with you, but my whole point several posts ago was that speed limit's were created several decades ago when cars were far more dangerous e.g any car with drum brakes all round should not be allowed to go over 50mph IMO. I own a morris minor and learnt to drive and passed my test in it but comparing it to my 540i its a much more dangerous vehicle at the same speed.

I did say in an earlier post that taking modern cars into account we should raise the speed limit on certain dual carriageway's and motorway's. I would not go to the extent of having no limit's, like on the german autobhan's though.

On another note unless my cars are in 100% condition i wont drive them but there is people out there who drive complete heaps with mots's who can go under the radar and cause accidents. If i had my way MOT's would be every 6months and driver's would have to take a full re-test every 5 years plus an advanced driving test and a skidpan course. I would also ban the use of hands free mobile phone's from cars and even cars stereo's can cause a distraction.

Unfortunately my comments on earlier post's may have been taken the wrong way and i do apologise to anyone who might have taken offence.

your same wave length as me fella!

dont get me wrong, i'm only in the start of my career with the police and have not had to deal with any thing with them yet, i used to do alot of ambulance work which is where my experiences and opunions come from, as well as the unfortunate occurances in my personal time when off shift.
i do agree that with modern cars it would be nice to have say a 80mph limit on certain roads as it would be nicer to drive that speed legally as well as safely, but while the limits are there we should all stick by them,

sorry from me too if i have seemed a bit forward and mouthy. typical londona
Tell that to the mothers of the 2 girls who's injuries were so bad that they weren't allowed to identify them and they had to be buried in closed caskets or the driver who stopped at the scene and was so traumatised by what he saw He has never driven since. The girls shoes were on the pavement. They had been knocked out of them by the force of the impact and one of the girls was 12feet off the ground in the branches of a tree. The driver was 35 and driving an impreza he was believed to be racing a second car that was probably a mitisubishi evo or similar. he lost it on a slight corner at 105mph it was about 9:30pm on the A46 halfway between 2 small villages. Thinking it can never happen to you just makes it more likely that it will.

Thats what you call dangerous driving, anybody who is stupid enough to try and race somebody else on a public road should be shot. But speed in itself is only a 3% cause of accidents its the other 97% which need some close scrutiny.

Dangerous driving is a far more serious offence than doing 56mph in a 50mph limit. But let me give you an example what my whole argument is about, where exceeding the speed limit can save lives and actually result in safer driving.

Imagine your overtaking a tractor doing 35mph in a 50 and you overtake it within the speed limit but in the distance some idiot is doing exactly the same thing as you in the opposite direction, do you accelerate up to 60mph and perform a safe overtaking manouvere, carry on overtaking within the speed limit but chance a head on collision or risk losing control of the car by braking hard and trying to dive back in behind the tractor.
Thats what you call dangerous driving, anybody who is stupid enough to try and race somebody else on a public road should be shot. But speed in itself is only a 3% cause of accidents its the other 97% which need some close scrutiny.

Dangerous driving is a far more serious offence than doing 56mph in a 50mph limit. But let me give you an example what my whole argument is about, where exceeding the speed limit can save lives and actually result in safer driving.

Imagine your overtaking a tractor doing 35mph in a 50 and you overtake it within the speed limit but in the distance some idiot is doing exactly the same thing as you in the opposite direction, do you accelerate up to 60mph and perform a safe overtaking manouvere, carry on overtaking within the speed limit but chance a head on collision or risk losing control of the car by braking hard and trying to dive back in behind the tractor.

In that situation it obviously wasn't safe to over take the tractor so your patient and wait behind it untill a safe oppotunity arrises. as after all its a maximum speed limit not a target or a requirement to drive at 50!

if it was happening there and then and you had already started to over take it'd have to be the going up to 60mph to avoid an accident!
the safest option is to sit and be patient as if you were patient there is alot less chance of an accident than somone who cant sit at 35MPH for a few miles.
In that situation it obviously wasn't safe to over take the tractor so your patient and wait behind it untill a safe oppotunity arrises. as after all its a maximum speed limit not a target or a requirement to drive at 50!

if it was happening there and then and you had already started to over take it'd have to be the going up to 60mph to avoid an accident!
the safest option is to sit and be patient as if you were patient there is alot less chance of an accident than somone who cant sit at 35MPH for a few miles.

Thanks for pointing that out, what i meant was that it was safe to overtake and you had already pulled out when somebody on the other side of the road read the situation wrong and began his overtaking manouvre and is intent on following it through even though you are over 50% through yours.

Anyway londoners are salt of the earth, but i would say that considering my blood is made up from essex and hertfordshire folk. Anyway off to bed now catch you later.
your same wave length as me fella!

dont get me wrong, i'm only in the start of my career with the police and have not had to deal with any thing with them yet, i used to do alot of ambulance work which is where my experiences and opunions come from, as well as the unfortunate occurances in my personal time when off shift.
i do agree that with modern cars it would be nice to have say a 80mph limit on certain roads as it would be nicer to drive that speed legally as well as safely, but while the limits are there we should all stick by them,

sorry from me too if i have seemed a bit forward and mouthy. typical londona


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