have them both and youse them as entended. ish
disco 56 at the max and a bmw e30 track car allways at its max.
I have a friend who is a paramedic, she was off duty and was asked to come into work asap as there had been a major RTA and additonal staff were urgently needed!

So rushing off to work she gets flashed by a 'safety camera' doing 36 in a 30 limit, she lives in the area and knew the camera was there but was intent to get to work and assist her workmates in saving lives. She would not have gone much faster as she was entering a built up area.

Despite sending the fine notice back with a covering letter from her manager at the paramedic station AND a letter from the police attending the scene she got 3 points and a fine!



I have a friend who is a paramedic, she was off duty and was asked to come into work asap as there had been a major RTA and additonal staff were urgently needed!

So rushing off to work she gets flashed by a 'safety camera' doing 36 in a 30 limit, she lives in the area and knew the camera was there but was intent to get to work and assist her workmates in saving lives. She would not have gone much faster as she was entering a built up area.

Despite sending the fine notice back with a covering letter from her manager at the paramedic station AND a letter from the police attending the scene she got 3 points and a fine!




What can i say the laws an ass. There is a stretch of road near me with 3 very small villages on the main road with 30,40 & 50 MPH speed limits :confused: .

I got caught 2 weeks ago following 2 other drivers who were doing 46-50MPH. We all thought we were in a 50 zone i should have known better than rely on the 2 drivers in front and i got flashed doing 49MPH in a 40 limit.

The camera made £180 in about 15 seconds. The main problem with this country is its not very clear exactly what the speed limit is, to be on the safe side its better to do just 30 even if there is only a derelict shed on the side of the road.

As i have said on previous posts if i was doing 30 in my morris minor and your friend was doing 36 in the 30 zone and somebody stepped out including reaction time your friend would stop quicker than my old car with drum brakes. So what i am saying is that modern cars including reaction time are safer at just above the speed limit than old cars are at the speed limit.

Ive done it now everybody is gonna hurl abuse at me again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
^^^^The car i was driving when i got flashed at 49 in a 40 was my BMW 540i with uprated cross drilled and grooved discs i can stop quicker from a 100MPH than you can fart.
^^^^The car i was driving when i got flashed at 49 in a 40 was my BMW 540i with uprated cross drilled and grooved discs i can stop quicker from a 100MPH than you can fart.

What a pity the speed cameras cant decipher betwen a twot in a beemer,and an old fart in a morris minor.

Then i,m sure mister kind plod would make allowances for beemer drivers.



YEAH AND THE REST :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p :p
What a pity the speed cameras cant decipher betwen a twot in a beemer,and an old fart in a morris minor.

Then i,m sure mister kind plod would make allowances for beemer drivers.

Im a disco, beemer and morris minor driver so what does that make me?
3 times more likely to get caught speeding.;)

:D :D :D

Good point! Im going out now to sabotage the speed camera's. Gordan Ramsey recommends putting cling film over the lens. Has anybody on here got any idea's on how to sabotage a speed camera discreetly? ;)

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