And some torches? I think you mean dawn my good man!

nb: re. the posts - I think I'll stick to my Classic :rolleyes:

No Alan got it right. A few of things you should know. He has night vision goggles. He will be there at quarter to. His pistol is loaded. The one you will find on the table is not. Bye Bye. Classics are if i can think of some description so as not to offend, in general terms, now what's the word i am searching for, oh yeah. CRAP. :D:D
No Alan got it right. A few of things you should know. He has night vision goggles. He will be there at quarter to. His pistol is loaded. The one you will find on the table is not. Bye Bye. Classics are if i can think of some description so as not to offend, in general terms, now what's the word i am searching for, oh yeah. CRAP. :D:D
No Alan got it right. A few of things you should know. He has night vision goggles. He will be there at quarter to. His pistol is loaded. The one you will find on the table is not. Bye Bye. Classics are if i can think of some description so as not to offend, in general terms, now what's the word i am searching for, oh yeah. CRAP. :D:D

:hysterically_laughi They have a lot to learn Tony.:)

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