View from hotel. And the weather us fantastic
I'd just like to thank everyone for such a fantastic day. Lanes were great and as a first timer I found them quite challenging. It really surprised me just what my discovery can do and sorry I chickened out at the bomb hole. I shall post some photos and videos tomorrow. I wish I could do day 2 but this time of year is really busy and I can't take 2 consecutive days off
Great day. Did strata both ways. And did the bomb hole both ways too. Can't believe my Landy could do that. We have loads of pics and video but not much internet access
Got some piccies for ya all. Hope you have fun today. Glad Scot's disco is working again now just got to fix mine.

This was the first challenge of the day. Zip went first and needed a few attempts to get through. I was second and panicking. I'd seen zip struggle in a disco with much bigger and better tyres than mine and this was my first time driving this sort of terrain. It took me 3 attempts but I did get my disco through :)

Most people required a shunt and had a bit of wheelspin trying to get through there with the exception of this jammy dodger who made it look easy driving through it like it wasn't there.

At the end of the that lane we stopped for a tea break and I took the oppurtunity to get a photo of each vehicle in our group.

My own trusty steed that made me really proud of her. Never thought any car could do what mine did yesterday let alone a bog standard one.

Then the other group caught us up,

I didn't take any more photos until we got to the bomb hole on strata. I'm sorry to say I chickened out of doing it myself. I will be braver next time honest.

Suew preparing to go down. I think she might have been a little nervous.

hideehi was so exicited to do the bomb hole she aproached at 900mph, so fast my camera couldn't focus. Ok maybe it didn't focus cause numpty here forgot to press the focus button first.

I think this photo gives some idea of just how steep the bombhole really is!

Got to the end of strata and gathered for a big group photo.

and then back down strata we went. Knowing what was coming we went a little faster back. I was getting a little tired and probably to overconfident. Near the end of the lane I got my line over a rock wrong and ended up falling off it and landing on my rear ARB. Result snapped both ball joints that locate it clean off, and buckled the mounting bracket. Got a bit of work to do to put that right. Lesson learned though, take it easy over rocks!

Time for photos going back up the bomb hole.

Oh and two videos of two different vehicles tackling the bomb hole

I reckon I'd have lost my front bumper on the bombhole :)

Hope the weather's as good today!

That was one of the main reasons I didn't do it! My new bumper is yet to arrive and the old one isn't very well. In fact its held on with gaffer tape and bale twine. Amazingly it stayed put all day. I was almost certain i was going to lose it. The other reason I didn't is I have a fairly low tow bar on the back which had grounded out a few times without the help of the bomb hole
Thanks for a brilliant weekend. It was great to meet you all!! Special thanks to the organisers of this trip and those who helped us with the unexpected stop:D !!! Got some good pics and videos that we will load up and please let us know if you want anything emailing! Also if anyone has any of us could we see them please :) see you in the Dales (if you allow us to continue as a part of the crew ;) )
Scott and Mel

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