well oil dripper says it all, my freelander does not need fixing i dont need advice,dont know which out of your three look the funniest, its hard to pick between an ice cream van, milk float and the wide load moped
I thought there was some brilliant stuff both in that thread, and the "wot have yu done to yur landie" fred! Some comic geniarse going on in this forum lately.
well oil dripper says it all, my freelander does not need fixing i dont need advice,dont know which out of your three look the funniest, its hard to pick between an ice cream van, milk float and the wide load moped

well decide quick, I think your mummy will be along soon to tell you it's time for bed.
well oil dripper says it all, my freelander does not need fixing i dont need advice,dont know which out of your three look the funniest, its hard to pick between an ice cream van, milk float and the wide load moped

if ya ask a bloke that was unlucky enuff :eek: to go ta eastnor:D on a press day :D to try the freelander ya mite learn:eek: summit about em ;) :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
your a little late with that comment mummys already sent me to bed just after my grandad was explaining to me why you are prob wearing wellies in your photo, you poor thing you are just tired and moody after pushing it all the way home. bless
hello everybody iam new to your amazing group, are we going to have lots of fun, i have up graded to a free lander from a disco 200 tdi, its sexy red and its the bees knees its alot more reliable, so all you disco lovers please please upgrade

hahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahaha bollocks hahahahahahahahahahahahahah fookin upgrade hahahahahahahahahahahahaha
your a little late with that comment mummys already sent me to bed just after my grandad was explaining to me why you are prob wearing wellies in your photo, you poor thing you are just tired and moody after pushing it all the way home. bless

just for reference, the picture in question ;


so why would I be wearing riding boots to push a landrover which I don't own? :confused: And I'd be interested to know where the riding hat comes in..

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