i took a bet on how many people i could wind up in 5 hrs, a mate told me to go on landyzone, never had so much fun in my life, would never own a freelander if you paid me, and def not a nissan!!!!!! have fun you landy lovers and thankyou for your hospitality
i took a bet on how many people i could wind up in 5 hrs, a mate told me to go on landyzone, never had so much fun in my life, would never own a freelander if you paid me, and def not a nissan!!!!!! have fun you landy lovers and thankyou for your hospitality
blimey ya do surprise us all with yer wit an charm.i dont fink anyone on ere would av guessed it was a wind up :eek: from the beginnin now;) :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
now go an fook off back ta O.R.R.P. and report back to um:D :D :D :cool:
ok mate woteva, i think u all talk ****e, now you fook off, hope u sort your oil drip out its obviously stressing you out, im going to go now before you all have a cardiac arrest with me insulting your rust buckets, will send you all a box of tissues as ive seen more emotional strength in a bunch of grannies from age concern, take care cheer up and buy a free lander ha ha ha ha

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