jealousy wont get you any where, bet youve done more pushing than driving in your time, hope your rear screens working with winter just round the corner to keep your hands warm
Aye ! in just her riggers!:rolleyes:
Ahhhh! Ah bet if she takes 'em off she'll stop scartin';) Half the bother is all them bugs 'n' stuff that are comin' oot o' them hedges and trees are fallin' intae her riggers and havin' a fight wi' them bugs that are in the straw mattress;) :D
jealousy wont get you any where, bet youve done more pushing than driving in your time, hope your rear screens working with winter just round the corner to keep your hands warm

is that the best you can come up with ..??

you'v ta have yer wits about ya in this place newbie , i bin being scammed all day but i saw it comin ...:D
are you drunk you sound it!!1 i would be too, i can forward you to a good counciler dont stress my friend. buy a freelander and all will be ok
landy zone? more like land all your problems and hope there is an answer, i think your the muppet not having a freelander, mondo???? get one you plonker!!!!!!!!!!!

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