I'm new to this forum, the instructions suggest that I introduce myself here, so hello.

Captain Magic, 2004 discovery 2 td5 es, current motor. Previous motors are 1991 defender 200tdi csw, which I got rid of due to baby, and 1966 series 2a, which I swapped for the defender.
Hi Captain Magic.................Cool name.

Welcome to the loonyzone.

Had your D2 long? they are great cars.

Hi, had my d2 since January, I upgraded from the defender because I didn't want to carry the youngling around in a leaky 25 year old motor. So now I have a leaky 13 year old motor!
Nice motors the D2 TD5. Sunroofs are easy enough to fix.....:D

Just a couple of things you may find useful.
Download the RAVE manual, it has the workshop and owners manuals in them.

Try and see if you can find a friend or make a new one with the nanocom / hawkeye/ lynx that works on the D2 , you may need their help at some point.

Also worth getting the EKA code, have a read of the attachment named alarms in this link.

Apart from that, any questions , chuck them in the Discovery section.


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